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An ultraviolet-selected galaxy redshift survey: new estimates of the local star formation rate
Authors:Marie A. Treyer,Richard S. Ellis,Bruno Milliard,José   Donas,&   Terry J. Bridges
Affiliation:Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, 14482 Potsdam, Germany,;Institute of Astronomy, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA,;Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale, Traverse du Siphon, 13376 Marseille, France,;Royal Greenwich Observatory, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0EZ
Abstract:We present the first results of an ongoing spectroscopic survey of galaxies selected in the rest frame ultraviolet (UV). The source catalogue has been constructed from a flux-limited sample of stars, galaxies and QSOs imaged at 2000 Å in Selected Area 57 with the FOCA balloon-borne imaging camera. Accurate positions for the UV sources have been obtained by matching with optical counterparts using APM scans of the Palomar Sky Survey limited at B   20.5. Here we present results derived from optical spectroscopy conducted with the WIYN telescope and the WHT for 142 faint sources. The redshift distribution for this UV-selected sample extends over 0 <  z  < 0.5, and a high fraction of the sources show intense nebular emission lines and UV–optical colours bluer than normal Hubble sequence galaxies. Such UV-selected surveys are thus a very efficient way to locate and study intermediate-redshift galaxies undergoing intense star formation. Although our sample is currently small, we derive a rest frame UV luminosity function with a steep faint-end slope consistent with that found for late-type galaxies in optical samples. However, the integrated luminosity density derived implies a volume-averaged star formation rate higher than other recent estimates, assuming a normal initial mass function. If representative of other UV fields, as suggested by UV number count studies, our data imply that the local abundance of star-forming galaxies may have been underestimated, and consequently claims for strong evolution in the global star formation rate in the range 0 <  z  < 1 overstated. An intensive study of a large UV-selected sample is likely to reveal important information on the declining population of star-forming galaxies of all types.
Keywords:surveys    galaxies: evolution    galaxies: luminosity function, mass function — cosmology: observations    ultraviolet: galaxies
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