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摘    要:1 1 17/P,21(l)、2001,p.97一101,3 illu卜.,1 rable,17 ref) RePorted in rhzs paper are the REEgeoehemstry,dlstribur一on patrerns andeharaerer Parameters一n Lare Cenozo一e eol、ansed一nlenrs of Bajlazu一seet一on atX一feng Ciry.A 150 rhe aurhors eompare the REE eharaeter-lsrxesw一rh other eolzan san飞ples frorn rhe Late1一erriary red desert,l,are Tertiary fluv一alsandstone,Quarernary desert,modern dusr一5 rorm dust,Chlna loess and renlote一souree wesrerly dust.All tlzese eolian depos一tshave…

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