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Occurrence of diagenetic pseudobreccias within the paleokarst zone of the upper Dammam Formation in Kuwait, Arabian Gulf
Authors:Fikry Ibrahim Khalaf
Institution:1. Faculty of Science at Port-Said, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt
Abstract:A paleokarstic zone capping the Middle Eocene dolomitic Dammam Formation delineates a regional disconformity with the overlying Mio-Pleistocene fluvial deposits in Kuwait. This formation outcrops in a quarry located in the southeast of Kuwait and occurs in the subsurface of Umm Ghudair water field, west Kuwait. Karstification has affected the upper member of the Dammam Formation, which is formed of extensively chertified, vuggy chalky biodolomicrite. Karstification is manifested by two phases: a dissolution phase that was responsible for the occurrence of surface and near surface karst features and a precipitation phase during which a karst carapace and dolocretic and calcitic pseudobreccias were developed. Petrographic investigations of both the biodolomicrites host rock and the karst lithotypes revealed a complex diagenetic history that encompasses the following diagenetic events, arranged in a chronological order: (a) replacive dolomitization, (b) precipitative dolomitization, (c) precipitative silica, (d) replacive silica, (e) karstification, (f) development of karst carapace calcretization and calcitization (development of calcitic psuedobreccia)], (g) dolocretization (development of dolocretic psuedobreccia), (h) mild karstification, (i) calcite precipitation, and (j) silica precipitation. The development of the karst carapace at the unconformity surface between the Eocene Dammam Formation dolomicrites and the overlying Mio-Pleistocene Kuwait Group clastics has played a significant role in the hydrological characteristics of Kuwait usable groundwater resources. It is recommended that the occurrence of similar diagenetic processes within the Arabian carbonate shelf deposits be investigated.
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