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Origin of the Silurian Crude Oils and Reservoir Formation Characteristics in the Tazhong Uplift
Authors:YANG Haijun  LI Sumei  PANG Xiongqi  XIAO Zhongyao  GU Qiaoyuan  ZHANG Baoshou
Affiliation:1. Research Institute of Exploration and Development, Petrochina Tarim Oilfield Company, Korla, Xinjiang 841000, China;2. The National Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting, China University of Petroleum, Changping, Beijing 102249, China
Abstract:The Silurian stratum in the Tazhong uplift is an important horizon for exploration because it preserves some features of the hydrocarbons produced from multi‐stage tectonic evolution. For this reason, the study of the origin of the Silurian oils and their formation characteristics constitutes a major part in revealing the mechanisms for the composite hydrocarbon accumulation zone in the Tazhong area. Geochemical investigations indicate that the physical properties of the Silurian oils in Tazhong vary with belts and blocks, i.e., heavy oils are distributed in the TZ47–15 well‐block in the North Slope while normal and light oils in the No. I fault belt and the TZ16 well‐block, which means that the oil properties are controlled by structural patterns. Most biomarkers in the Silurian oils are similar to that of the Mid‐Upper Ordovician source rocks, suggesting a good genetic relationship. However, the compound specific isotope of n‐alkanes in the oils and the chemical components of the hydrocarbons in fluid inclusions indicate that these oils are mixed oils derived from both the Mid‐Upper Ordovician and the Cambrian–Lower Ordovician source rocks. Most Silurian oils have a record of secondary alterations like earlier biodegradation, including the occurrence of “UCM” humps in the total ion current (TIC) chromatogram of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons and 25‐norhopane in saturated hydrocarbons of the crude oils, and regular changes in the abundances of light and heavy components from the structural low to the structural high. The fact that the Silurian oils are enriched in chain alkanes, e.g., n‐alkanes and 25‐norhopane, suggests that they were mixed oils of the earlier degraded oils with the later normal oils. It is suggested that the Silurian oils experienced at least three episodes of petroleum charging according to the composition and distribution as well as the maturity of reservoir crude oils and the oils in fluid inclusions. The migration and accumulation models of these oils in the TZ47–15 well‐blocks, the No. I fault belt and the TZ16 well‐block are different from but related to each other. The investigation of the origin of the mixed oils and the hydrocarbon migration and accumulation mechanisms in different charging periods is of great significance to petroleum exploration in this area.
Keywords:Silurian  isotope  biomarker  mixed‐source oil
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