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Dense cores in the L1630 molecular cloud: discovering new protostars with SCUBA
Authors:Robin R. Phillips &dagger  ,y G. Gibb &Dagger  ,Leslie T. Little
Affiliation:1Electronic Engineering Laboratory, University of Kent at Canterbury, Canterbury CT2 7NT;2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT
Abstract:Maps of the 450- and 850-μm dust continuum emission from three star-forming condensations within the Lynds 1630 molecular cloud, made with the SCUBA bolometer array, reveal the presence of four new submillimetre sources, each of a few solar masses (two of which are probably class I and two of which are class 0), as well as several sources the existence of which was previously known. The sources are located in filaments and appear elongated when observed at 450 μm. They probably have dust temperatures in the range 10 to 20 K, in good agreement with previous ammonia temperature estimates. Attempts to fit their structures with power-law and Gaussian density distributions suggest that the central distribution is flatter than expected for a simple singular isothermal sphere.
Although the statistics are poor, our results suggest that the ratio of 'protostellar core' mass to total virial mass may be similar for both large and small condensations.
Keywords:stars: formation    ISM: clouds    ISM: individual: L1630    ISM: individual: Orion B    radio continuum: ISM    submillimetre
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