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Overgrowth Textures, Disequilibrium Zoning, and Cooling History of a Glassy Four-Pyroxene Boninite Dyke from New Caledonia
Institution:1 CRSCM, 1A rue de la Frollerie, 45071 Orlans Cedex 2, France
2 CRPG, B.P. 20, 54501 Vandoeuvre-ls-Nancy Cedex, France
Abstract:Pyroxenes in a low-Ca boninite from a dyke show remarkable growthand overgrowth textures and chemical zoning, which are usedto infer crystallization mechanisms and kinetics. The rock comprisesnearly 50 vol.% fresh glass, phenocrysts and glomerocrysts ofclinoenstatite sensu lato ({small tilde}32 vol.%), microphenocrystsof orthopyroxene and Ca-rich clinopyroxene ({small tilde}17vol.%), and microlites of amphibole and oxides ({small tilde}3vol.%). Clinoenstatite, which inverted from protoenstatite,is skeletal with glass and chrome-spinel inclusions and thinovergrowth zones of Ca-rich clinopyroxene and amphibole; thecrystals are occasionally broken. Orthopyroxene is often skeletal,sometimes slightly resorbed with the same inclusions and overgrowthzones. Ca-rich clinopyroxene and amphibole occur mainly in pyroxeneovergrowth zones. Chrome-spinel in contact with glass is overgrownby magnetite-maghemite or amphibole. The rock is andesitic witha high mg-number of 0.78, and is quartz- and strongly hypersthene-and feldspar-normative. The glass is dacitic with an mg-numberof 0.15, strongly quartz- and feldspar-normative, and rich inwater ({small tilde}5.6wt.%). Strong chemical zoning occurs in all minerals, oscillatory zoningoccurring only in clinoenstatite and orthopyroxene. The mg-numberin clinoenstatite sensu lato ranges from 0.95 (clinoenstatitesensu stricto) to 0-68 (clinohypersthene), the largest rangeso far described, and from 0.88 to 0.43 in orthopyroxene. TheWo content of the former (0.21–1.56 with rare higher values)is considerably smaller than and does not overlap that of thelatter (1.36–4.84X Wo generally increasing with Fs. Thecores of both are chromian (up to 0–018 atoms per formulaunit), and Cr falls to or below the detection limit for Fs>25.The Fs-rich zones of clinohypersthene have {small tilde}2wt%A12O3 and (M6wt% TiO2, whereas those of orthopyroxene reachnearly 10 and 04 wt. %, respectively. Ca-rich clinopyroxenevaries from pigeonite through subcalcic augite and augite toferroaugite, the outer zones reaching 12wt.% A12O3 and 1–8wt% TiO2. Amphibole is magnesio-hornblende on pyroxene or tschermakitichornblende on oxide. The relative times of nucleation, growth, partial resorption,and fracturing of the crystals were determined from the texturesand the chemistry of the overgrowths. Protoenstatite and chrome-spinelnucleated from the melt and were overgrown in places by allsucceeding minerals. Orthopyroxene nucleated mainly from themelt, whereas the other phases occur only as overgrowths. Orthopyroxenemay show weak resorption at intermediate stages. Protoenstatitecrystals were occasionally broken, the relative times beingshown by the nature of the overgrowths. Minor-element concentrationsvary strongly with the growth stage, chromium soon being usedup in the melt and aluminium and titanium being strongly concentratedin the crystals during the last stages. Plagioclase and quartzare absent because of suppression of their nucleation in a water-richmelt on rapid cooling. Crystallization probably occurred intwo main stages, an early one of moderately fast cooling atlow undercooling probably in a shallow magma chamber (correspondingto the growth of the protoenstatite phenocrysts) and a laterone over a period of less than a day of faster cooling at higherundercooling after uprise and injection into the dyke (correspondingto the fracturing of protoenstatite and growth of the microphenocrystsand microlites).
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