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Petrology,geochemistry and a probable late Cambrian age for harzburgites of the Coolac Serpentinite,New South Wales,Australia
Authors:M. C. Bruce
Affiliation:Geological Survey of New South Wales, W.B. Clarke Geoscience Centre, 947-953 Londonderry Road, Londonderry, NSW 2753, Australia
Abstract:The Coolac Serpentinite, in the Tumut region of southeastern NSW, is one of many Alpine-type, linear ultramafic bodies exposed in the Lachlan Orogen of New South Wales. Despite the significance of such oceanic lithosphere throughout the orogen to tectonic models, few studies on the genesis of these bodies in the Lachlan Orogen have been documented. A significant proportion of the Coolac ultramafic rocks are only partially serpentinised, making them good candidates for detailed petrological and geochemical studies. The Coolac peridotites include harzburgites with mineral compositions and bulk-rock REE concentrations similar to abyssal peridotites. Assuming depleted mantle compositions, HREE concentrations are limited (0.2–0.3 × primitive mantle) implying melt extraction of 15–20%. Conversely, some Cr-spinel data within the harzburgites (Cr# = 0.22–0.27) indicate partial melting of only 9–11%. Adsorbed mantle pyroxenes, excess olivine and LREE enrichment suggest melt–rock interactions led to the refertilisation of the harzburgites. Isotope characteristics of a ca 501 Ma allochthonous tonalite block derived from melting of altered oceanic crust and a ca 439 Ma oceanic granite intrusion indicate an identical source that separated from the fertile mantle at 660 Ma. This places chronological constraints on the harzburgites, which are the result of two-stage melting involving a lherzolite protolith formed during the break-up of Rodinia followed by harzburgite formation during a further melt extraction event within an extensional phase of the Delamerian Orogeny. The harzburgites were enriched via melt–rock interactions soon after formation as well as during phases of the Benambran Orogeny beginning at ca 439 Ma and ending around ca 427 Ma with the emplacement of the North Mooney Complex, a layered ultramafic–gabbro association that has characteristics of Alaskan-style intrusions similar to the Fifield complexes of the central Lachlan Orogen.
Keywords:Coolac Serpentinite  Lachlan Orogen  petrology  geochemistry  age  Rodinia  Delamerian  Benambran  North Mooney Complex
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