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Dehydration of metapelites during high‐P metamorphism: The coupling between fluid sources and fluid sinks
Authors:Simon Schorn
Affiliation:1. Department of Geological Sciences, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa;2. Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Graz, Graz, Austria
Abstract:Polymetamorphic metapelites and embedded eclogites share a complex, episodic interplay of dehydration and fluid infiltration at the eclogite type‐locality (Saualpe–Koralpe, Eastern Alps, Austria). The metapelites inherited a fluid content (i.e. mineral‐bound OH expressed in terms of mol.% H2O) of ~6–7 mol.% H2O from high‐T–low‐P metamorphism experienced during the Permian. At or near Pmax of the subsequent Eoalpine event (~20 kbar and 680°C), the breakdown of paragonite to Na‐rich clinopyroxene and kyanite in metapelites released a discrete pulse of hydrous fluid. Prior to the dehydration event, the rocks were largely fluid absent, allowing only limited re‐equilibration during the prograde Eoalpine evolution. Similarly, Permian‐aged gabbros have persisted metastably due to the absence of a catalyst prior to fluid‐induced re‐equilibration. The fluid triggered partial to complete eclogitization along a fluid infiltration front partially preserved in metagabbro. Near‐isothermal decompression to ~7.5–10 kbar and 670–690°C took place under fluid‐absent conditions. After decompression, a second breakdown of phengitic white mica and garnet produced muscovite, biotite, plagioclase and ~0.1–0.7 mol.% H2O that enhanced extensive fluid‐aided re‐equilibration of the metapelites. Potential relicts of high‐P assemblages were largely obliterated and replaced by the recurrent amphibolite facies assemblage garnet+biotite+staurolite+kyanite+muscovite+plagioclase+ilmenite+quartz. The hydrous fluid originating from the metapelites infiltrated the embedded eclogites at these P–T conditions and induced the local breakdown of the peak assemblage omphacite and garnet to fine‐grained symplectites of diopside and plagioclase. Further fluid infiltration led to the formation of hornblende–quartz poikiloblasts at the expense of the symplectites. The metapelites re‐equilibrated until the growth of retrograde staurolite consumed any remaining free fluid, thereby terminating the process. Further re‐equilibration is inhibited by both the lack of a catalytic fluid and H2O as a reactant essential for rehydration reactions. The interplay between fluid sources and fluid sinks describes a closed cycle for the rocks at the eclogite type‐locality. Final, near‐isobaric cooling is indicated by a slight increase of XFe in garnet rims. Post‐decompression dehydration and fluid‐aided re‐equilibration arrested by the introduction of staurolite might explain the apparently homogeneous retrogression conditions as well as the notorious absence of diagnostic high‐P assemblages in metapelites at the eclogite type‐locality.
Keywords:dehydration  eclogite type‐locality  equilibration  P–  M(H2O) pseudosection  staurolite–  kyanite
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