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Influence of Rock Mass Parameters on the Performance of a TBM in a Gneissic Formation (Varzo Tunnel)
Authors:R. Ribacchi  A. Lembo Fazio
Affiliation:(1) Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, University of Roma La Sapienza, Rome, Italy;(2) Department of Civil Engineering, University of Roma 3, Rome, Italy
Abstract:Summary The paper analyses the influence of rock mass quality on the performance of a double shield TBM in the excavation of a tunnel in a gneiss formation which is characterized by high strength and low fracture intensity.As full observation of the rock conditions was prevented by the use of segmental lining, a geomechanical survey of the face was performed during maintenance downtime and the observed conditions were correlated with the machine performance parameters for that same day. A statistical analysis of the data shows that penetration rate correlates well with a slightly modified RMR index (in which the influence of the water conditions and joint orientation were discounted), but the most important factor is by far the partial rating of the RMR classification related to joint spacing only. However in tunnels characterized by greater variability in rock strength and joint conditions, it could be worthwhile using the complete RMR index.Given the toughness of the rock, failure of the cutter bearings and supports were a frequent occurrence during excavation. Owing to this factor the influence of rock quality on the rate of advance was found to be weak and the correlation more scattered.The results obtained for the Varzo tunnel were compared with those relative to other tunnels in granitic rocks and found to be in good agreement. However the relationships obtained should be considered valid only for this type of rock; machine behaviour could be found to be markedly different in other rock types, even where rock material strength and joint frequency are the same.
Keywords:: Tunnels   TBM   penetration rate   advance rates   TBM utilisation factors rock   quality indexes
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