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Summer phytoplankton pigments and community composition related to water mass properties in the Gulf of Gabes
Authors:M. Bel Hassen   Z. Drira   A. Hamza   H. Ayadi   F. Akrout  H. Issaoui
Affiliation:aInstitut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer, 28 rue 2 mars 1934, 2025 Salammbô, Tunisia;bUniversité de Sfax, Route soukra Km 4 BP 802 CP 3038 Sfax, Tunisia;cCentre de Biotechnologies de Sfax, B.P “K”. 3038 Sfax, Tunisia
Abstract:Variations in phytoplankton pigments and community composition were examined in the Gulf of Gabes in relationship to water mass properties, characterised by the influence of the Modified Atlantic Water and by the thermal stratification. Data were collected on board the R/V Hannibal during July 2005.Distinct water masses were identified using cluster analysis of temperature–salinity (TS) characteristics. Three major clusters appeared based on the combined effects of temperature and salinity. The first cluster was identified as the cool and less salty bottom Modified Atlantic Water (MAW). The warmer and saltier Mediterranean Mixed Water (MMW) represented the second cluster. The third cluster was the Transition Water (TW) separating the two previous clusters.The pigment and taxonomic composition of these water masses were examined. Chlorophyll a was rather low (<200 ng l−1). Chlorophyll b was generally the most abundant accessory pigment and fucoxanthin dominated the accessory pigments in the MAW. Proportions of chlorophyll a associated with different phytoplankton classes were estimated using CHEMTAX software, and did not present significant variations among water groups. The results pointed out variations in the relative contribution of each phytoplankton taxa in each station group. Chlorophytes and prasinophytes accounted for 65% of chlorophyll a in the MMW. Diatoms and chlorophytes were relatively abundant in the MAW contributing to almost 63% of chlorophyll a. An unstructured community, slightly dominated by prasinophytes, chlorophytes and cryptophytes, characterised the TW. Different trophic statuses were observed in these water masses, the MMW and the MAW being characterised by mesotrophy, while an oligotrophy was observed in the TW. Nutrient availability, particularly the P-limitation supported by the summer stratification, as revealed by the high N:P ratio (greater than 20), seems to enhance the development of small-sized phytoplankton, thereby supporting the regenerated production.
Keywords:photosynthetic pigments   CHEMTAX   phytoplankton   Gulf of Gabes
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