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引用本文:王涛, 朱震达. 中国北方沙漠化的若干问题[J]. 第四纪研究, 2001, 21(1): 56-65.
作者姓名:王涛  朱震达
作者单位:中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所, 兰州730000
摘    要:随着经济、社会的发展,沙漠化问题对自然环境和社会发展的影响愈来愈深刻,已得到国际社会的普遍重视,作为沙漠化问题极其严重的国家,我国在对沙漠化的认识及治理上,经过多年工作取得了一些成就.本文根据已有的经验和研究成果,就中国北方沙漠化的成因、发展过程、灾害评价及防治机理等方面做一简单探讨,以便为今后更好地开展沙漠化研究工作起一定的参考作用.

关 键 词:沙漠化   成因和过程   灾害评价   防治

Wang Tao, Zhu Zhenda. SOME PROBLEMS OF DESERTIFICATION IN NORTHERN CHINA[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2001, 21(1): 56-65.
Authors:Wang Tao   Zhu Zhenda
Affiliation:Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000
Abstract:Desertification which arouses close concerns in many countries and China as well, is one of the most serious environmental, social and economic problems in contemporary world. This paper intends to clarify the causes, processes, effects and rehabilitation of desertification in northern China. Desertification is regarded as the product of interactions between intense human activities and fragile ecoenvironment, and the product of man-land conflict. The most important cause is the irrational human activities including overgrazing, deforestation, and cultivation. All of these factors led to the degradation of ecosystems, and ultimately to the desert-like conditions. Without vegetable cover, naked land inclined to be eroded by wind. When aeolian activities become dominant the landscape of original sparse woodland rangeland will be substituted by desert landscape. The form- ation and development of desertification include aeolian process, biology process and human activities. There are intimate relations among the three kinds of processes that interacts and feedbacks each other. It is very important to establish evaluation crieria for different types of desertification land. Through the studies and practices of many years, we summarize the criteria as: (l) natural criteria: action data of increment for wind erosion land, sand land and sand dune, sand dust annual and seasonal change of rainfall, wind velocity and direction, valid depth of soil and organizes content, the depth and quality of ground water; (2) biology and agriculture criteria: ratio of vegetation cover, product of biology, distribution and frequency of important vegetation, and status of land-use; (3) social criteria: quantity and structure of population, and policies et al.
Keywords:desertification   cause and process   disaster evaluating   combating desertification
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