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Miocene rhyolitic welded tuff infilling a funnel-shaped eruption conduit Shiotani, southeast of Matsue, SW Japan
Authors:K. Kano  H. Matsuura  S. Yamauchi
Affiliation:(1) Geology Department, Geological Survey of Japan, 1–3 Higashi 1-chome, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305 Japan Fax: +81 298 54 3533 e-mail: kazu@gsj.go.jp, JP;(2) Department of Geoscience, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Shimane University, 1060 Nishi-Kawatsu Machi, Matsue, 690 Japan, JP
Abstract: At Shiotani, SW Japan, rhyolitic welded tuff forms a steep-sided funnel-shaped body, confined by Paleogene granitic rocks to an elliptical area 1–1.5 km across. The Shiotani welded tuff is pervasively welded and foliated concordantly with the contact that dips inward at angles of 70–90°. In contrast, nearby contemporary volcaniclastic deposits are non-welded and gently inclined. Near the contact with the granite, the tuff is plastically deformed and shows lineations that plunge inward at angles of 40–65°. Lithic and crystal clasts in the rheomorphic outer part are rotated in a plane normal to the foliations and parallel to the lineations indicating downward flow of the welded tuff. The geometry and internal structures suggest that the Shiotani welded tuff was emplaced and welded in a funnel-shaped eruption conduit. Upon collapse of a plinian or phreatoplinian eruption column, the majority of the conduit-filling pyroclasts probably fell back en masse into the conduit. Heat and steam from underlying magma and diffusion of interstitial volatiles into the glass perhaps reduced the viscosity of juvenile pyroclasts and facilitated welding in the conduit, especially at deep levels. The hot welded pyroclasts then flowed down the conduit wall during welding compaction and retreat of the magma. These processes resulted in increased welding toward the contacts and welding foliations concordant with the steep wall. Emplacement of nearby correlative volcaniclastic mass-flow deposits in a shelf to upper bathyal environment suggests a possibility that, when active, the Shiotani conduit was under the sea. Welding compaction would occur even under the sea provided that the steam generated in the upper part of the conduit fill prevented water access. Received: 28 February 1996 / Accepted: 5 May 1997
Keywords:  Welded tuff  Conduit fills  Funnel-shaped eruption conduit  Agglutination  Welding  Rheomorphism  Flow lineation
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