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引用本文:胡宪洋,保继刚. 消费转型背景下度假型旅游地时空修复——基于三亚海棠湾的案例研究[J]. 地理学报, 2018, 73(12): 2452-2467. DOI: 10.11821/dlxb201812013
作者姓名:胡宪洋  保继刚
作者单位:1. 中山大学旅游发展与规划研究中心,广州 5102752. 陕西师范大学地理科学与旅游学院,西安 710119
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41571137, 41801130);2018年文化和旅游部科研立项(旅游类)项目(18TAAG016)
摘    要:消费转型背景下旅游目的地供需失衡矛盾凸显,由此引致了目的地新一轮的结构性调整,然而这一现象并未引起学界足够重视,现有的理论框架在解释力度上也存在明显不足。本文在详细剖析时空修复理论研究成果的基础上,结合中国情境与旅游情境,提出了资本应对消费转型的一般框架,分析了三亚海棠湾时空修复的整体历程,并揭示了案例背后的制度逻辑。研究表明:资本以时空修复的方式完成了对消费转型的应对。其中,时空修复的经济维度包括资本的空间修复与时间修复,在三亚海棠湾,空间修复突出的表现为地理扩张与空间重组,时间修复则重点表现在二级循环的缓建、停建及其向三级循环的跃迁。时空修复的非经济维度方面,政府部门藉由尺度重组用以促进资本的循环与积累,通过尺度上推,借助意识形态与城市战略,构建了资本空间运行的合法性;通过尺度下推,藉由绩效优先原则与权力下放策略,支持与服务资本的空间运行。但政府的部分行为在某种程度上干扰了市场秩序,延缓危机的同时制造了更大的隐患。此外,时空修复与尺度重组之间存在着理论关联,消费转型使得原有资本节律失常,地域组织通过尺度重组搭建起全新的地理架构,为资本的时空修复提供了相对稳定的地理平台。本文完善了时空修复的理论框架,部分回应了消费市场的理性回归对度假地的可能影响。

关 键 词:消费转型  时空修复  尺度重组  三亚海棠湾  

Changes of consumption patterns and spatio-temporal fix of tourism resorts: A case study on Haitang Bay of Sanya in China
HU Xianyang,BAO Jigang. Changes of consumption patterns and spatio-temporal fix of tourism resorts: A case study on Haitang Bay of Sanya in China[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2018, 73(12): 2452-2467. DOI: 10.11821/dlxb201812013
Authors:HU Xianyang  BAO Jigang
Affiliation:1. Centre for Tourism Planning & Research, School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China;2. School of Geography and Tourism, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710119, China
Abstract:The imbalance between hotel supply and demand caused by anti-corruption policy has not attracted enough attention in academia. By introducing the concept of 'spatio-temporal fix' and the role of tourism within it, this paper proposes a general analytical framework to interpret the strategies adopted by the hotels and the local government to cope with the changes of tourists' consumption behavior. The framework of 'spatio-temporal fix' can be divided into economic dimension and non-economic dimension in the Chinese context. The economic dimension encompasses spatial fix and temporal fix. In Haitang Bay, spatial fix mainly includes geographical expansion and geographical restructuring, and temporal fix refers to 'switching' from the secondary circuit of capital accumulation towards the tertiary circuits. As for the non-economic dimension, the local government usually plays a key role within the development of spatio-temporal ?xes to capital. The government has pursued spatio-temporal ?xes to capital through up-scaling and down-scaling strategies: (1) by transforming the class interest of hotels and the local government into a general interest through the ideological machine of the state; (2) through urban strategies that have shaped and legitimatized the territorial manifestation production of tourism places of this capital ?xation; and (3) by promoting a set of regulations and devolution that have encouraged the moments of 'switching' and 'expansion' through tourism. Yet, some of the government's actions have disturbed the market order, which even have caused the deeper underlying troubles. In addition, there is a close relationship between the concepts of spatio-temporal fix and rescaling. Changes of tourism consumption lead to capital overaccumulation crises. The government's rescaling categories exert an important impact on the switch and expansion of capital. This paper improves the framework of spatio-temporal fix and illustrates how political and economic changes have reshaped the coastal landscape.
Keywords:changes of consumption patterns  spatio-temporal fix  rescaling  Haitang Bay  
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