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引用本文:陈莉,石培基,焦贝贝. 西北地区30地级市城市区位分析[J]. 干旱区地理, 2015, 38(4): 851-857
作者姓名:陈莉  石培基  焦贝贝
作者单位:西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院, 甘肃 兰州 730070
摘    要:以西北地区30地级市为研究对象,通过时间距离计算,运用区位偏远度衡量地理区位;采用经济联系强度模型分析其经济区位条件;基于改进的区位优势潜力模型对各市综合区位予以定量化测度。结果表明:(1)对于最邻近省会城市,30地市偏远度都<1,均处于不偏远区位;对北京而言,偏远程度介于0.263~2.446之间,其中12地市处于偏远区域;综合偏远度表明,处于偏远(δ>1)、不偏远(0.5δ≤1)、很不偏远(0<δ≤0.5)区位的城市比重分别为13.33%、53.33%、33.33%。(2)经济联系量表现出如下特点:30地市内部联系远远高于与北京的联系,其联系总量所占比重为99.47%和0.53%;除青海省,其他4省内部联系程度强于外部;以省为单位,经济总量大体沿着自东向西的方向递减。(3)陕西省经济区位明显表现出以西安、咸阳为中心的环形圈层结构,自内而外经济联系强度渐弱。(4)综合地理偏远度、经济区位和综合区位,30地市可大致分为"双优型"、"(偏)地理区位滞后型"、"(偏)经济区位滞后型"和"双滞后型" 4种类型。

关 键 词:西北地区  城市区位  地理偏远度  经济联系强度  

City location of 30 prefecture level cities in northwest China
CHEN Li,SHI Pei-ji,JIAO Bei-bei. City location of 30 prefecture level cities in northwest China[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2015, 38(4): 851-857
Authors:CHEN Li  SHI Pei-ji  JIAO Bei-bei
Affiliation:College of Geography and Environmental Science, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
Abstract:The word "location" is derived from the German standort. Stand means standing place and ort means location. A core idea of location theory is the "least cost" to get "maximum profit". City is a place for human life and engaged in non-agricultural industries production. Urban location theory refers to considering various regional factors to achieve with the least cost to obtain the maximum profit and the best result when constructing cities, selecting city sites, determine size of cities and so on. Urban location affected by many factors, for example terrain, climate, the river, natural resources distribution, the traffic, etc. And it can be divided into natural geographical location, economic geographic location, political culture geographical location, etc. By analyzing existing literature, it can be founded as follows:(1)Urban location theory research has been from center model which under space equilibrium conditions of a single function to the balanced system of multiple functions.(2)Natural geographical background made the central city location research and regional development closer together. Through field investigation and analysis of the natural geographical conditions and regional factors, Duan Hanming thought that the northwest region of China was faced with fragile ecological environment and unfavorable developments location, both development costs and development difficulty were higher than other provinces. The development of cities in northwest region was the result of many factors work together, such as political, economic, natural conditions, resources, ethnic and cultural and so on. And it should focus on the intersection which a variety of factors coordinate with each other and seek the balance point of their common action to ensure urban development rationality, stability and sustainability. Taking 30 prefecture level cities in northwest China as the research objects, this paper uses location remote degree to measure geographic location, economic relation force model to analyze economic location condition, and the improved location advantage potential model to measure comprehensive location quantitatively. The results show as follows:(1)For the nearby provincial capital cities, 30 cities' remote degree value are less than 1, they are not at a remote location, and for Beijing, the remote degree values of the 30 cities is between 0.263 and 2.446, and there are 12 cities in a remote area. The integrated remote degrees show that, the proportion of the 30 cities which locate in remote, not remote and very not remote region, respectively is 13.33%, 53.33%, 33.33%.(2) Economic links shows the following characteristics, for 30 cities, internal links is much higher than the links of the 30 cities to Beijing and their total contact accounted for 99.47% and 0.53%. Apart from Qinghai Province, the internal contact degree of the other 4 provinces is stronger than the external contact degree. Economic links substantially decreases along the direction from east to west with a province as a unit.(3) The economic location in Shaanxi Province obviously presents annular ring structure with Xi'an and Xianyang City as the center, and economic link force is waning from inside to outside.(4) Combined geographically remote degree, economic location and comprehensive location, it can be divided into 4 types for 30 cities as double superior type, geographical location-lag type, economic location-lag type and double-lag type.
Keywords:Northwest Region  urban location  geographical remote degree  economic link force  
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