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Spatiotemporal characteristics of sea ice transport in the Baffin Bay and its association with atmospheric variability
Authors:Weifu Sun  Haibo Bi  Min Fu  Xi Liang  Yunhe Wang  Yu Liang  Jue Huang  Haijun Huang  Liwen Yan  Qinglong Yu  Shuang Liang
Affiliation:Oceanic Telemetry Engineering and Technology Innovation Center,First Institute of Oceanography,Ministry of Natural Resources,Qingdao 266061,China;Laboratory for Marine Geology,Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology(Qingdao),Qingdao 266037,China;Center for Ocean Mega-Science&Key Laboratory of Marine Geology and Environment,Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Qingdao 266071,China;National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center,Beijing 100081,China;Center for Ocean Mega-Science&Key Laboratory of Marine Geology and Environment,Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Qingdao 266071,China;Center for Ocean Mega-Science&Key Laboratory of Marine Geology and Environment,Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Qingdao 266071,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;College of Geodesy and Geomatics,Shandong University of Sicence and Technology,Qingdao 266590,China;Aerospace Information Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100094,China
Abstract:Sea ice export through the Baffin Bay plays a vital role in modulating the sea ice cover variability in the Labrador Sea. In this study, satellite-derived sea ice products are used to obtain the sea ice area flux (SIAF) through the three passages in the Baffin Bay (referred to as A, B, and C for the north, middle, and south passages, respectively). The spatial variability of the monthly sea ice drift in the Baffin Bay is presented. The interannual variability and trends in SIAF via the three passages are outlined. The connection to several large-scale atmospheric circulation modes is assessed. Over the period of 1988–2015, the average annual (October to the following September) SIAF amounts to 555×103 km2, 642×103 km2, and 551×103 km2 through Passages A, B, and C, respectively. These quantities are less than that observed through the Fram Strait (FS, 707×103 km2) of the corresponding period. The positive trends in annual SIAF, on the order of 53.1×103 km2/(10 a) and 43.2×103 km2/(10 a) (significant at the 95% confidence level), are identified at Passages A and B, respectively. The trend of the south passage (C), however, is slightly negative (–13.3×103 km2/(10 a), not statistically significant). The positive trends in annual SIAF through the Passages A and B are primarily attributable to the significant increases after 2000. The connection between the Baffin Bay sea ice export and the North Atlantic Oscillation is not significant over the studied period. By contrast, the association with the cross-gate sea level pressure difference is robust in the Baffin Bay (R equals 0.69 to 0.71, depending on the passages considered), but relatively weaker than that over FS (R=0.74).
Keywords:sea ice transport   Baffin Bay   Arctic   sea ice area flux (SIAF)
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