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Radiological characterization of granitoid outcrops and dimension stones of the Variscan Corsica-Sardinia Batholith
Authors:Antonio Puccini  Gerti Xhixha  Stefano Cuccuru  Giacomo Oggiano  Merita Kaçeli Xhixha  Fabio Mantovani  Carlos Rossi Alvarez  Leonardo Casini
Affiliation:1. Department of Science of Nature and Environmental Resources, University of Sassari, Via Piandanna, 4, 07100, Sassari, Italy
2. Physics Department, University of Ferrara, Via Saragat, 1, 44100, Ferrara, Italy
3. Faculty of Forestry Science, Agricultural University of Tirana, Kod?r Kam?z, 1029, Tirana, Albania
5. Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Ferrara Section, Via Saragat, 1, 44100, Ferrara, Italy
4. Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Padova Section, Via Marzolo 8, 35131, Padua, Italy
Abstract:This study focuses on the radiological characterization of granitoid outcrops and dimension stones using in situ gamma-ray spectrometry. Extensive measurements were performed on 210 granitoid outcrops of the Corsica-Sardinia Batholith. The large statistical sample allowed us to improve the analysis by considering a log-normal distribution of radioelements and propagating the uncertainties using Monte Carlo method. The activity concentrations of 40K, 226Ra (238U) and 232Th in C-SB area were 1,177 ?304 +408 , 60 ?23 +36 and 69 ?25 +38  Bq/kg (at 1σ uncertainty). The median abundance of K, U and Th on the Variscan C-SB was higher than the average values of the upper continental crust and was comparable with Variscan belt. This corresponds to an outdoor absorbed dose rate of 124 ?26 +33  nGy/h at 1σ uncertainty which is 3σ higher than the population-weighted average absorbed dose rate (60 nGy/h). Seven commercial granites (Rosa Beta, Ghiandone, Giallo San Giacomo, Rosa Cinzia, Grigio Malaga, Bianco Sardo and Grigio Perla) were investigated to characterize their radiological hazard through 147 measurements taken in 73 extractive quarries. All of the commercial granites were categorized as A2 material based on their activity concentration indices, excluding (at the 3σ level) any restriction on their utilization as superficial materials. Rosa Beta, Grigio Malaga, Grigio Perla and Bianco Sardo can also be used as bulk materials as they can be included in the A1 category. In the case of Ghiandone, Giallo San Giacomo and Rosa Cinzia, we are confident of an A1 classification only at the 1σ level.
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