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引用本文:王友新,王红岩,孙志于. 应用雷达数据产品初评飞机增雪早期催化效果[J]. 干旱区地理, 2012, 35(4): 568-571
作者姓名:王友新  王红岩  孙志于
作者单位:1. 新疆维吾尔自治区人工影响天气办公室,新疆乌鲁木齐,830002
2. 新疆维吾尔自治区气象信息中心,新疆乌鲁木齐,830002
摘    要: 应用新一代天气雷达数据资料,结合飞机定位播撒,在目标云体上截取一个作业区,同时在作业区两侧设立2个对比区,计算3个区域的雷达强度数值。随着雷达观测的继续,可以得到3条雷达强度随时间变化的曲线。对比分析3条曲线的变化趋势,初步得出:飞行播撒催化剂后,作业区、扩散区较上风方的自然区,雷达回波强度值有明显增强趋势。本文应用2007年12月26日的新一代天气雷达回波数据、雷达站上游气象探空以及人工增雪飞机播撒催化剂的航迹等资料,针对新疆冬季层状云的早期催化效果评估,作者设计了新的检验模式,进行了定量化计算。具体方法为:(1)在雷达的平显气象回波(PPI)上,截取一段飞机播撒催化剂航迹;(2)设定宽10 km的带状航迹为“播撒区”,代表播撒状态下云的演变;上风方宽10 km的区域为“对比区A”,代表自然状态下云的演变;下风方宽10 km的区域为“对比区B”,代表扩散状态下云的演变;(3)分别计算3个区域的雷达回波强度(dbz)总值。随着雷达观测的继续,可以得到雷达回波强度(dbz)随时间变化的3条曲线;(4)对比分析3条曲线的变化趋势,初步得出结论:人工增雪飞机进行播撒催化剂后,作业区及“对比区B”的回波强度总值,比“对比区A”的回波强度总值,有明显地增强趋势。

关 键 词:飞机增雪  雷达回波强度(dbz)  定位播撒  催化效果

Appling radar data to appraise forepart catalyst effect to aero snow enhancement
WANG You-xin , WANG Hong-yan , SUN Zhi-yu. Appling radar data to appraise forepart catalyst effect to aero snow enhancement[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2012, 35(4): 568-571
Authors:WANG You-xin    WANG Hong-yan    SUN Zhi-yu
Affiliation:2,WANG Hong-yan1(1 Weather Modification Office of Xinjiang,Urumqi 830002,Xinjiang,China; 2 Xinjiang Meteorological Information Center,Urumqi 830002,Xinjiang,China)
Abstract:By using of echo data of new generation weather radar, radar station upwind meteorological radiosonde data and the track of seeding catalyst by aircraft in Dec.26 of 2007, early catalytic effect assessment for Xinjiang winter sheet clouds, the author designs a new test mode to carry out a quantitative calculation. The specific mothods are showed as follows: (1) A track of seeding catalyst by aircraft is intercepted out of a radar echo (PPI). (2) A banding track with 10 km width is set as a “seeding area” which represents the evolution of a being seeded cloud; The windward area with 10 km width is set as a “contrast district A”, which represents the evolution of a natural state cloud; then the downwind area with 10 km width as a “contrast district B”, the evolution of a cloud under deffusion state. (3) The gross radar echo intensity(dbz) in these 3 regions is calculated respectively; with the continuing radar observation, 3 curves of radar echo intensity changing with time are obtained. (4) By contrasting the trend of these 3 curves, the preliminary conclusion is showed as the follow: After the seeding cloud by aircraft, the gross radar echo intensity(dbz) either in “seeding area” and “contrast district B” gets a clearly increasing trend contrasting with the condition in “contrast district A”.
Keywords:aero snow enhancement  radar echo intensity (dbz)  location seeding  catalyst effect
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