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The use of heavy metal concentrations and dendrochronology in the reconstruction of sediment accumulation, Maa Panew River Valley, southern Poland
Authors:Dariusz Ciszewski   Ireneusz Malik
Abstract:Heavy metal concentrations were investigated in overbank sediments of the Mala Panew River, southern Poland. Samples were collected from seven vertical profiles located within channel infills of a 20th century floodplain at three sites, each up to 50 m wide. In each profile, 15–24 samples were collected and analysed for Ba, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn. Sequential extraction of these elements was carried out in the 0.063-mm fraction of selected samples. Additionally, the age of the oldest trees growing close to the profiles has been used to estimate the initiation of sediment accumulation there. Ba, Cu, and Pb, which occur mostly in less mobile, moderately reducible, and residual fractions, were used for sediment dating. Zn and Cd, which in 50–75% occur in the mobile exchangeable fraction, were not suitable for dating. Correlation of Ba, Cu, and Pb concentrations in vertical profiles with changes in the load of effluents discharged to the river showed abrupt changes in the thickness of the strongly polluted sediments across the floodplains. A comparison of the relative changes between heavy metal peaks in sediments of similar age in the different profiles suggests a variable rate of downward metal migration. In general, none of the heavy metals investigated seems to have been mobilised within the stratigraphic layers above the water table. In layers located at stratigraphically lower levels, the Zn and Cd peaks seem to migrate several centimetres to several decimetres down in the profile. In profiles inundated for several weeks every year, Zn and Cd, as well as the relatively less mobile Ba, Cu, and Pb, have migrated downward by several decimetres. The investigation shows that frequent fluctuations of the water table have blurred the original depositional metal patterns of metal concentrations within a period of less than 40 years.
Keywords:Author Keywords: Heavy metals   Sediments   River accumulation   Dendrochronology   Pollution history   Metal mobility
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