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引用本文:胡云壮,杨吉龙,李影,周新郢,刘宏伟,商志文. 3Ma以来华北地区植被演化特征及其驱动因素[J]. 地质学报, 2020, 94(10): 3120-3129
作者姓名:胡云壮  杨吉龙  李影  周新郢  刘宏伟  商志文
作者单位:1) 中国地质调查局天津地质调查中心,中国地质调查局海岸带地质环境重点实验室,天津,300170;2) 脊椎动物演化与人类起源重点实验室,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所, 北京,100044
摘    要:第四纪冰期与间冰期旋回的形成过程,及其陆生植被系统的响应及演化过程是研究地质时期全球变化的重点问题,本文通过对华北地区北部LN1钻孔的121个高质量孢粉数据重建了过去3 Ma以来的区域植被演化过程。研究结果显示,区域植被经历了4个主要发展过程,约3~2 Ma气候相对温暖湿润,主要为以松、桦、栎、胡桃、榆等组成的落叶阔叶林;约2 Ma,区域植被急剧变化,主要表现为针叶林扩张,阔叶林比例的减少,在2~1. 2 Ma转变为以松、云杉、桦为主的针阔叶混交林。在中更新世全球气候转型期,区域植被再次发生迅速改变,在约1. 2~0. 7 Ma转变为稀树的灌丛草原,0. 7 Ma以后区域气候进一步干旱化,在最近0. 7 Ma内区域环境转变为典型草原为主的植被景观。区域的植被变化反映了华北平原区近3 Ma以来整体上呈现出干旱化与寒冷化的趋势,其中2. 0 Ma,1. 2 Ma, 0. 7 Ma气候事件最为突出。上述结果反映了华北地区植被的演变过程及季风降水的逐渐减少与北极冰盖在近3 Ma以来的迅速扩张期同步对应。

关 键 词:第四纪;华北地区;古地磁年代;植被演化;气候变化

Characteristics of vegetation evolution and its driving factors since 3 Ma in North China
HU Yunzhuang,YANG Jilong,LI Ying,ZHOU Xinying,LIU Hongwei,SHANG Zhiwen. Characteristics of vegetation evolution and its driving factors since 3 Ma in North China[J]. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2020, 94(10): 3120-3129
Authors:HU Yunzhuang  YANG Jilong  LI Ying  ZHOU Xinying  LIU Hongwei  SHANG Zhiwen
Affiliation:1) Tianjin Center, China Geological Survey, Key Laboratory of Coast Geo environment, China Geological Survey,Tianjin, 300170;2) Key Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolution and Human Origins of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Beijing, 100044
Abstract:The formation process of the Quaternary glacial and interglacial cycles, and the response and evolution process of the terrestrial vegetation system are key issues in global research on geological timescales. This paper reconstructs the regional vegetation evolution process since the past 3 Ma by using 121 high quality pollen data from borehole of LN1 in the north part of North China. The study results indicate that the regional vegetation has experienced four major development processes. The climate was relatively warm and humid during the 3~2 Ma and the vegetation was deciduous broad leaved forest, mainly composed of pine, birch, alfalfa, walnut, and alfalfa. The vegetation changed sharply such that the proportion of coniferous forest expanded and the broad leaved forest decreased in the area around 2 Ma. The vegetation changed to coniferous and broad leaved mixed forest dominated by pine, spruce and birch during 2~1.2 Ma. During the mid Pleistocene global climate transition period, the regional vegetation changed rapidly, transforming into a shrubland of sap trees at about 1.2~0. 7 Ma. After 0. 7 Ma, the regional climate was further dry and the regional environment changed to typical grassland vegetation landscape around 0.7 Ma. The vegetation changes in the region reflect the trend of aridification and cooling in the North China Plain with prominent climate events at 3 Ma 2. 0 Ma, 1. 2 Ma, and 0. 7 Ma. These results reflect that the vegetation evolution process and the gradual decrease of monsoon coincide with the rapid expansion of the Arctic ice sheet since nearly 3 Ma in North China.
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