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Rydberg Matter as the dust atmosphere in comets: Spectroscopic and polarization signatures
Authors:Leif Holmlid
Institution:Atmospheric Science, Department of Chemistry, Göteborg University, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
Abstract:The long-lived excited state of matter called Rydberg Matter (RM) may explain several spectroscopic features in space, like the diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) and the unidentified infrared bands (UIR, UIB). RM is here used to interpret some previously unexplained or inconsistent features in comets: (1) line absorption in the emission from the nucleus, (2) IR band emission from the coma, (3) selective and variable molecular line emission from the coma, (4) extended sources of molecules in the coma, (5) degree of linear polarization of light scattered from the coma. (1) The unexplained IR absorptions observed in the flyby of the nucleus of the Comet Borrelly agree well with RM emission bands observed by stimulated emission in the laboratory. It is proposed that RM is the so-called ultrared matter or at least formed from it. (2) The IR bands previously attributed to silicate particles are shown to be better described by RM theory. Transitions in atoms in RM are shown to dominate. (3) The inverted RM medium will optically amplify light from molecular transitions in the comet comae, in agreement with observations that many of the molecular IR emission lines lie within the emission bands from RM, or much too close to Rydberg transitions to be accidental. (4) The unexplained extended sources observed, e.g., for CO are proposed to be due to release of molecules previously incorporated in the RM clusters at low temperature. Such clusters may be the very small particles observed by space probes. (5) Finally, the largely unexplained measurements of the degree of linear polarization of scattered sunlight from comets are explained as due to scattering by the planar RM clusters. Quantitative agreement is demonstrated.
Keywords:Comets  Halley  Comets  Hale-Bopp  Comets  Borrelly  Rydberg Matter  Infrared observations  Atmospheres  composition  Polarization  Spectroscopy
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