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作者姓名:李佩基 李嵩龄 张志德
摘    要:Since libration large-scale geological surveys have been made, revealing that the socalled “Tianshan granites” are a complex po]ycycle system of magmatic rocks. It consists mainly of the products of magmatic activities which took place in the differentstages of the Sangyang-Laliang cycle, the Caledonian cycle, the Hercynian cycle, the Indosinian-Yanshan cycle and the Himalaya cycle. The substantial part is composed of granodiorites and biotite granites in the Hercynian cycle. This paper provides a comprehensive discussion for the first time on the granitoid rocks of the Tianshan system in China. The architectonic element of this area consists of the entire Tianshan fold system within the territory of China, and parts of the Kalpin fault block and the Kuluktag fault block which are located in tbe border area in the north of the Tarim Basin. Morever, the petrology and geochemistry of granitoid rocks of different ages in this region are discussed as well. In conjunction with the development of the Tianshan gcosyncline, discussions also are made on the cvolution and the history of tectonic displacement of those granitoid rocks. The comparison between the granitoid rocks of different ages in respect to .their distribution patterns,petrological features, geochemistry, accessory minerals and minerogenetic specificity strongly shows that the evolution of Tianshan granitoid rocks is characterized as being from basic through acid to alkaline.

关 键 词:花岗岩 岩浆活动 地质构造 天山地区
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