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Evaluation of antifouling properties of non-toxic marine paints
Authors:Abdellatif Mellouki   Armand Bianchi   Alain Perichaud  Georges Sauvet

* Laboratoire de Chimie Macromoléculaire, Université de Provence, 3 Place V. Hugo, F-13331, Marseille Cédex 3, France

Microbiologie Marine, CNRS, UPR 223; Université Aix-Marseille II, Case 907; 70, Route Léon Lachamp, F-13288, Marseille Cédex 9;, France

Laboratoire de Recherches sur les Macromolécules, Université Paris-XIII, Av. J. B. Clément, F-93430, Villetaneuse, France

Abstract:The most common way to prevent biofouling of immersed surfaces is to coat the exposed surfaces with a paint containing a biocide acting on marine organisms by diffusion into the surrounding water. However diffusion of toxins into the marine environment causes pollution and serious economic problems. This paper outlines the anti-microfouling properties of some insolubilized quaternary ammonium salts (grafted onto a vinyl copolymer by means of a covalent non-hydrolyzable bond). After immersion times in sea-water up to 4 months, the microbial cover was limited to bacterial forms, without microalgae or cyanobacteria as observed on the untreated, or tin-salt painted surfaces. Bacteria are mostly on unicell forms and numerous areas appear free of any microorganisms. As microbiofouling is an obligate step to macrofouling, this unleachable antifouling treatment could result in a prolonged protection.
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