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The geochemical evolution of the Pleistocene Lake Lisan-Dead Sea system
Authors:Amitai Katz  Yehoshua Kolodny  Arie Nissenbaum
Affiliation:Department of Geology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel;Isotope Department, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Abstract:The geochemical history of Lake Lisan, the Pleistocene precursor of the Dead Sea, has been studied by geological, chemical and isotopic methods.Aragonite laminae from the Lisan Formation yielded (equivalent) Sr/Ca ratios in the range 0.5 × 10?2?1 × 10?2, Na/Ca ratios from 3.6 × 10?3 to 9.2 × 10?3, δ18OPDB values between 1.5 and 7%. and δ13CPDB from ?7.7 to 3.4%..The distribution coefficient of Na+ between aragonite and aqueous solutions, λANa, is experimentally shown to be very sensitive to salinity and nearly temperature independent. Thus, Na/Ca in aragonite serves as a paleosalinity indicator.Sr/Ca ratios and δ18O values in aragonite provide good long-term monitors of a lake's evolution. They show Lake Lisan to be well mixed, highly evaporated and saline. Except for a diluted surface layer, the salinity of the lake was half that of the present Dead Sea (15 vs 31%).Lake Lisan evolved from a small, yet deep, hypersaline Dead Sea-like, water body. This initial lake was rapidly filled-up to its highest stand by fresh waters and existed for about 40,000 yr before shrinking back to the present Dead Sea. The chemistry of Lake Lisan at its stable stand represented a material balance between a Jordan-like input, an original large mass of salts and a chemical removal of aragonite. The weighted average depth of Lake Lisan is calculated, on a geochemical basis, to have been at least 400, preferably 600 m.The oxygen isotopic composition of Lake Lisan water, which was higher by at least 3%. than that of the Dead Sea, was probably dictated by a higher rate of evaporation.Na/Ca ratios in aragonite, which correlate well with δ13C values, but change frequently in time, reflect the existence of a short lived upper water layer of varying salinity in Lake Lisan.
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