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引用本文:姜芸. 太平洋岛国对澳大利亚地缘战略影响的历史考察[J]. 世界地理研究, 2019, 28(2): 141-148
摘    要:历史上太平洋岛国对澳大利亚地缘战略的影响以第二次世界大战为分水岭,主要分为三个阶段:二战前是地缘战略缺失阶段,当时澳大利亚无视周边地缘环境,将国家安全系于遥远英帝国的庇护,忽视近邻岛屿的防御屏障作用,导致国家遭受战火;二战时期是地缘战略构建阶段,随着澳美战时同盟成立,太平洋上的海空航线成为澳大利亚的“生命线”,澳大利亚的独立防务意识也不断加强,意图凭借《澳新协定》将太平洋岛国纳入势力范围;二战后是地缘战略丰富阶段,在太平洋岛国发展问题日益突出和岛屿地区安全态势日趋复杂的背景下,澳大利亚实施援助战略以促进地区的繁荣与稳定。未来,澳大利亚将继续保持该地区最大援助国的地位。

关 键 词:太平洋岛国  澳大利亚  地缘政治  第二次世界大战  

A Historical Investigation of the Impact of Pacific Island Countries on Australia's Geo-strategy
Abstract:The history when Australia’s geostrategy was influenced by Pacific island countries was divided by World War II into three stages. Before World War II, there was a lack of geo-strategy since Australia ignored the surrounding geo-environment, attached its national security to the distant British Empire, neglected the defensive barriers of neighboring islands, and inflicted wars on the country itself. The period of World War II was a stage of geo-strategic construction. With the establishment of the Australia-US wartime alliance, the air and sea routes in the Pacific Ocean became Australia’s “lifeline,” and Australia’s independent defense awareness was also continuously strengthened. Australia intended to include Pacific Island countries to its sphere of influence through the “Australian-New Zealand Agreement 1944”. After World War II, it was a period of enriched geopolitical strategy. In the context of increasingly prominent development issues in the Pacific island countries and the increasingly complex security situation in the island region, Australia has implemented assistant strategies to promote regional prosperity and stability. In the future, Australia will continue to maintain its position as the largest aid country in the region.
Keywords:Pacific Island Countries   Australia   geopolitics   World War II  
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