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Origine des variations latérales des dépôts yprésiens dans la zone des dômes en Tunisie septentrionaleOrigin of lateral variations of the Ypresian deposits in the dome zone in northern Tunisia
Authors:Hmidou El Ouardi
Affiliation:Département de géologie, faculté des sciences, université Moulay-Ismail, BP 4010, Meknès, Maroc
Abstract:In the Mejez El Bab–Testour area (northern Tunisia), the Early Eocene extension induced block tilting and salt tectonics of the Triassic evaporites. Tectonic events and halokinesis have determined the organization of Ypresian sediments. Diapiric structures have been generated during Cretaceous along the east–west, north–south and NE–SW major faults and emphasised during Lower Eocene. In this region, the Ypresian deposits constitute a filling sequence and show several thickness and facies variations. They correspond to a Nummulitic and Globigerina mixed facies characterizing a platform-basin transition zone. To cite this article: H. El Ouardi, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 141–146.
Keywords:Tunisia  dome zone  Ypresian  mixed facies  halokinesis  blocks tilted  tectonic inversion  Tunisie  zone des dômes  Yprésien  faciès mixte  halocinèse  blocs basculés  inversion tectonique  Géodynamique  Geodynamics
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