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Water organisation at the solid–aqueous solution interfaceOrganisation de l'eau à l'interface solide–solution aqueuse
Authors:Laurent J. Michot  Frédéric Villiéras  Michèle François  Isabelle Bihannic  Manuel Pelletier  Jean-Maurice Cases
Affiliation:Laboratoire « Environnement et minéralurgie », UMR 7569 CNRS–INPL–ENSG, BP 40 54501 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy cedex, France
Abstract:The aim of this review is to examine the present knowledge about water structure close to an interface or confined in porous spaces. First, the structure of liquid water is briefly described. Though its understanding remains incomplete, it appears that it is largely dominated by the hydrogen bond network and its dynamical evolution. The presence of any ‘foreign’ substance in water perturbs such a structure by changing at least locally the hydrogen bond network. For this reason, the presence of a solid interface significantly modifies the structure of the first adsorbed layers. Whatever the support, it is now clearly evidenced that structural perturbations are limited to distances lower than 10–15 Å from the interface. The nature, energetic heterogeneity and hydrophilicility/hydrophobicity of the solid surface influence the arrangement of water molecules. This surface organisation must definitely be considered when studying adsorption phenomena at the solid–aqueous solution interface. The relevance of such problems to geosciences is illustrated by a few situations in which water structure plays a prominent role. To cite this article: L.J. Michot et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 611–631.
Keywords:water  interface  structure  hydrogen bonds  dynamics  adsorption  porosity  eau  interface  structure  liaison hydrogène  dynamique  adsorption  porosité
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