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Démantèlement des paysages cuirassés anciens en zones forestières tropicales d'Afrique centrale : formation d'accumulations ferrugineuses actuelles en bas de versantOld ferricrete landscape dismantling in Central Africa rain forest zone: formation of the present downslope iron accumulations
Authors:Émile Temgoua  Dieudonné Bitom  Paul Bilong  Yves Lucas  Hans-Rudolf Pfeifer
Affiliation:1. Centre d''analyse minérale, université de Lausanne, BFSH2, CH 1015 Lausanne, Suisse;2. Département des sciences de la Terre, université de Yaoundé, BP 812 Yaoundé, Cameroun;3. LEPI, université de Toulon et du Var, BP 132, 83957 La Garde cedex, France
Abstract:Present downslope iron accumulations were investigated in the rainforest zone in southern Cameroon. Six clay and Fe-hydroxide dominated patterns have been identified and occur on the lower part of hill slopes. They can be subdivided in three different sequences, related to gentle, moderate or steep slopes. They are discontinuous with respect to the dismantling zone of the old ferricrete cap formed at Cretaceous period. They show a gradual development from a soft Fe-crust (carapace) to a vesicular facies that will, with time, cover the whole landscape again. To cite this article: É. Temgoua et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 537–543.
Keywords:tropical rain forest  slope  ferruginous accumulations  landsurface transformation  Cameroon  zone forestière tropicale  versant  accumulations ferrugineuses  évolution du paysage  Cameroun
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