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Electrochemical properties of solids at the aqueous–solid interface and heterogeneity of surfacePropriétés électrochimiques des solides à l'interface solide–eau et hétérogénéité de surface
Authors:Fabien Thomas  Bénédicte Prélot  Frédéric Villiéras  Jean-Maurice Cases
Affiliation:Laboratoire « Environnement et minéralurgie », UMR 7569 INPL & CNRS, ENSG, BP 40, 54501 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy cedex, France
Abstract:In aqueous medium, solid surfaces are in general electrically charged. The induced electrical and chemical properties govern numerous phenomena, such as colloidal stability or transport of pollutants. Numerous industrial processes make use of these properties. The understanding of the underlying mechanisms at molecular level is of high importance in order to predict and master the behaviour of dispersed matter in the environment and in industrial processes. The present paper shows the evolution of theories and experimental methods, their recent developments and applications. To cite this article: F. Thomas et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 633–648.
Keywords:electrical double layer  surface charge  ion adsorption  surface heterogeneity  double couche électrique  charge de surface  adsorption d'ions  hétérogénéité superficielle
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