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The structural evolution of the southern Apuan Alps: new constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Northern Apennines (Italy)Évolution structurale des Apuanes méridionales : nouvelles contraintes sur l'évolution tectonique des Apennins septentrionaux (Italie)
Authors:Rodolfo Carosi  Chiara Montomoli  Nicola Bertuccelli  Maurizio Profeti
Affiliation:Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra and CSGSDA (CNR), via S. Maria 53, 56126 Pisa, Italy
Abstract:Structural analysis performed in the southern sector of the Apuan Alps Metamorphic Complex (AAMC) and on the overlaying Tuscan Nappe (TN) pointed out a structural evolution much more complex than that outlined till now. The comparison between the structural evolutions of the two tectonic units could provide new important constraints on the tectonic evolution of the whole belt. The two tectonic units recorded different tectonic evolution during the first stages of compression, while they shared the same deformation history later after the Tuscan Nappe overlapped the AAMC. The coupled tectonic units have been then deformed by two systems of folds, in a compressive tectonic regime. Extensional tectonics affected the units later, at upper crustal levels. To cite this article: R. Carosi et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 339–346.
Keywords:structural analysis  Tuscan Nappe  Apuan Alps Metamorphic Complex  Northern Apennines  analyse structurale  nappe toscane  complexe métamorphique apuan  Apennin septentrional  Tectonique  Tectonics
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