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Physical and dynamical properties of a low-mass star-forming region
Authors:Zheng Xing-wu

Department of Astronomy, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210008, China

Abstract:Eleven low-mass cores are found in the Orion Molecular Cloud 2 from VLA observations of the line emission of NH3 (1,1). They are perhaps clumps prior to gravitatonal collapse with average radius of 0.03 pc and mass of 3.5 M, distributed along the central axes of filaments in the NS direction. We find a velocity gradient of 5 km s−1 pc−1 in the declination direction within a 3′ region. Based on our NH3(1,1) observations and compared with dust continuum emission at millimilion wavelength as well as in the infrared, we suggest that most of these dense cores are probably protosteller condensations, not yet containing stellar cores, but are self-gravitating systems in thermodynamical equilibrium.
Keywords:molecular clouds   low-mass condensed core   ammonia cloud
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