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引用本文:吴亮君,王璞珺,吴继文,韦盛亮,户景松,吕勇,潘明,周嘉铭,林宇,廖家飞,韦伟,韦艾辰,李喜林,苏光样. 桂东北D/C界线沉积特征及对台盆相间演化的启示[J]. 地质学报, 2024, 98(4): 1244-1262
作者姓名:吴亮君  王璞珺  吴继文  韦盛亮  户景松  吕勇  潘明  周嘉铭  林宇  廖家飞  韦伟  韦艾辰  李喜林  苏光样
作者单位:1) 吉林大学地球科学学院,吉林长春,130061;2) 中国地质科学院岩溶地质研究所/自然资源部、广西岩溶动力学重点实验室,广西桂林,541004;3) 联合国教科文组织国际岩溶研究中心/岩溶动力系统与全球变化国际联合研究中心,广西桂林,541004;2) 中国地质科学院岩溶地质研究所/自然资源部、广西岩溶动力学重点实验室,广西桂林,541004;4) 中国地质大学(北京)地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室,北京,100083;5) 广西壮族自治区区域地质调查研究院,广西桂林,541003;6) 广西壮族自治区三一○核地质大队,广西桂林,541213
摘    要:台盆相间是桂东北泥盆纪和石炭纪沉积的重要特色,而D/C界线又是台盆相间沉积最突出的一个时段之一。文章回顾并评述了桂东北D/C界线的研究历程、相序划分、主要代表剖面,认为桂东北D/C界线可划分为碎屑岩相序和碳酸盐岩相序以及它们的过渡类型。通过对20条典型剖面的岩性组合特征对比,恢复了桂东北D/C界线海平面相对下降期的岩相古地理,结果显示桂东北在该时期主要存在柳州、桂林两大台地以及多个小型台地,台地间普遍发育快速相变的台沟、盆地沉积,石炭纪初期海水变浅,台地分布范围显著扩大,江南古陆供给增强,台盆相间格局迅速发展。为了进一步探讨桂东北D/C界线的演化过程和背后的控制因素,文章分析了广西整体的台盆相间演化的阶段性、同沉积构造作用以及海平面变化的影响,梳理了台盆相间演化过程中沉积环境分异与构造运动- 海平面的关系,认为在滇黔桂裂谷盆地在持续断陷发展的前提下,桂东北D/C界线沉积分异的主要原因可能是受冈瓦纳大陆冰川形成与消融导致的海平面异常波动,以及柳江运动引发的局部同沉积断陷强度差异变动影响,且构造和沉积要素在D/C界线的耦合作用达到最强,最终促进桂东北台盆相间格局在D/C界线达到鼎盛。在此模式下,可以将台盆相间的演化划分为4个阶段,早泥盆世中期—晚期为台盆相间格局的孕育期,早泥盆世晚期—中泥盆世晚期沉积开始分异,为台盆相间格局的发展期,晩泥盆世—早石炭世台- 盆出现强烈分割,海平面异常下降和柳江运动同时作用于沉积,为台盆相间格局的鼎盛期,早石炭世之后,台盆相间沉积维持了一定时期的强度,晚石炭世开始海水逐步恢复正常后台盆相间逐渐减弱,为台盆相间格局的衰退期。

关 键 词:台盆相间;D/C界线;桂东北;广西;泥盆纪;石炭纪;古地理;柳江运动

Sedimentary characteristics of Devonian and Carboniferous boundary in northeastern Guangxi and implications for the evolution of the platform- basin alternation pattern
WU Liangjun,WANG Pujun,WU Jiwen,WEI Shengliang,HU Jingsong,LV Yong,PAN Ming,ZHOU Jiaming,LIN Yu,LIAO Jiafei,WEI Wei,WEI Aichen,LI Xilin,SU Guangyang. Sedimentary characteristics of Devonian and Carboniferous boundary in northeastern Guangxi and implications for the evolution of the platform- basin alternation pattern[J]. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2024, 98(4): 1244-1262
Authors:WU Liangjun  WANG Pujun  WU Jiwen  WEI Shengliang  HU Jingsong  LV Yong  PAN Ming  ZHOU Jiaming  LIN Yu  LIAO Jiafei  WEI Wei  WEI Aichen  LI Xilin  SU Guangyang
Affiliation:1) Jilin University, College of Earth Sciences, Changchun, Jilin 130061, China;2) Institute of Karst Geology Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences/Key Laboratory of Karst Dynamics, Ministry of Natural Resources & Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guilin, Guangxi 541004, China;3) International Research Centre on Karst under the Auspices of UNESCO, National Center for International Research on Karst Dynamic System and Global Change, Guilin, Guangxi 541004, China;2) Institute of Karst Geology Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences/Key Laboratory of Karst Dynamics, Ministry of Natural Resources & Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guilin, Guangxi 541004, China;4) State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China;5) Guangxi Institute of Regional Geological Survey, Guilin, Guangxi 541003, China;6) 310 Geological Team of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guilin, Guangxi 541213, China
Abstract:The platform- basin alternation pattern is an important feature of Devonian and Carboniferous sedimentation in northeast Guangxi, and the D/C boundary is one of the most prominent periods of this feature. This paper reviews the research history, facies division and representative sections of D/C boundary in northeast Guangxi. It is considered that the D/C boundary can be divided into the clastic rock facies, the carbonate rock facies and their transition facies. Through the comparison of lithologic characteristics of 20 representative sections, the lithofacies palaeogeography of relative sea level decline period of D/C boundary in northeast Guangxi has been restored. The results show that in this period, there were two major platforms in Liuzhou and Guilin areas and several small platforms in other places. Deep water sediments with rapid facies transformation were well developed among platforms. In the early Carboniferous, the seawater became shallower. The distributions of platform facies were significantly expanded and the supply of the Jiangnan massif was increasing. This led to the pattern of platform- basin alternation was enhanced. In order to further explore the evolution process and the controlling factors of sedimentation of the D/C boundary in northeast Guangxi, this paper discusses the stages of the platform- basin alternation evolution, the influence of the synsedimentary tectonism and the sea level changes. And relationship between sedimentary environment differentiation and tectonic movement- sea level changes has been sorted out. It is considered that under the premise of continuous faulting of Yunnan- Guizhou- Guangxi rift basin, the main reason for the sedimentary division of D/C boundary in Northeast Guangxi may be the abnormal fluctuation of sea level caused by the Gondwana glaciers. And the local synsedimentary fault depression increasing caused by Liujiang movement intensifies the sedimentary differentiation. The coupling effect of tectonic and sedimentary factors reached the strongest at the D/C boundary, and finally promoted the platform- basin alternate pattern in northeast Guangxi to reach its peak at this period. In this model, the evolution of platform- basin alternation can be divided into 4 stages in northeast Guangxi. The middle- late period of Early Devonian was the bedding stage of the platform- basin alternating pattern. The late period of Early Devonian to late period of Middle Devonian is the development stage while sedimentary facies began to differentiate. The Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous was the prosperity stage, the abnormal decline of sea level and the Liujiang movement began to act on the sedimentation. After the Carboniferous, the platform- basin alternating deposition maintained the intensity, and the seawater gradually returned to normal in the late period of Early Carboniferous, the basin- alternating pattern gradually weakened.
Keywords:platform- basin alternation   D/C boundary   northeast Guangxi   Guangxi   Devonian   Carboniferous   palaeogeography   Liujiang movement
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