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引用本文:杨晓燕, 孔昭宸, 刘长江, 葛全胜. 中国北方现代粟、黍及其野生近缘种的淀粉粒形态数据分析[J]. 第四纪研究, 2010, 30(2): 364-371. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7410.2010.02.13
作者姓名:杨晓燕  孔昭宸  刘长江  葛全胜
作者单位:中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京,100101;Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History,Washington D.C.,20560;;中国科学院植物研究所,北京,100095;中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京,100101
摘    要:对来自中国北方不同区域的9个粟(Setaria italica)样品及其野生祖本青狗尾草(Setaria viridis)的7个样品,9个黍(Panicum miliaceum)样品及其近缘野生种糠稷(Panicum bisulcatum)和野黍(Eriochloa villosa)样本各 1个,共27个样品进行了淀粉粒分析。针对每个样品,统计100~200颗淀粉粒粒径数据,100颗形态特征数据,在此基础上初步明确了5种植物淀粉粒如下判别特征: 1)5种淀粉粒中,除野黍淀粉粒为小粒径(X=4.8±0.8μm)的椭球形和球形外,其余4种淀粉粒都以多面体为主,球形或近球形为辅,脐点居中开放,黍、粟、青狗尾草和糠稷淀粉的平均粒径分别为X=7.3±1.4μm,X=9.9±2.3μm,X=7.7±1.4μm和X=6.9±1.2μm。2)粒径大于12μm的淀粉粒一般不是黍的淀粉粒。3)粒径大于14μm的淀粉粒99.9%来自粟。3)粒径小于11μm的淀粉粒,如果超过40%的淀粉粒表面无裂隙,极有可能为黍属的淀粉粒;  如果有超过30%的淀粉粒表面具有裂隙,则非常有可能来自狗尾草属。4)近乎45%的粟淀粉粒粒径处于11~14μm,而只有约4%的青狗尾草淀粉粒粒径位于这一区间。如果粒径在11~14μm的淀粉粒含量超过获得淀粉粒总量的4%,则其中很可能包含有粟的淀粉粒。以上标准在鉴定时还需要综合考虑。高粱(Sorghum bicolor)与薏米(Coix chinensis)在粒径和形态上与狗尾草属和黍属有部分重合,但大部分高粱的淀粉粒具有层纹,薏米则有30%的粒径大于14μm,与粟只有5%的淀粉粒位于这一粒径范围有很大的区别。通过研究发现,在现阶段,典型黍亚科(Panicoideae)种类淀粉形态在统计上的区别是明显的,但仅依靠少量颗粒特征进行区分是困难的,如何把现代淀粉特征准确应用到考古样品的鉴定中,还有待更多的淀粉埋藏学研究。目前,针对粟、黍及其野生近缘种的鉴别,植硅体分析的效果明显好于淀粉粒分析。

关 键 词:粟、黍及其近缘野生种  淀粉粒形态  中国北方

Yang Xiaoyan, Kong Zhaochen, Liu Changjiang, Ge Quansheng. MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF STARCH GRAINS OF MILLETS AND THEIR WILD RELATIVES IN NORTH CHINA[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2010, 30(2): 364-371. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7410.2010.02.13
Authors:Yang Xiaoyan  Kong Zhaochen  Liu Changjiang  Ge Quansheng
Affiliation:①Institute of Geographica Sciences and Natural Resources Research Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101;; ②Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C. 20560;; ③Institute of Botany Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijng 100095
Abstract:Following spore-pollen and phytolith analyses,starch grain analysis is a new approach to studying of paleoenvironmental reconstruction,plant-use history,agriculture origins,and historic land-use. In order to study the origin of dry-farming in North China,we collected 9 samples of foxtail millet(Setaria italica),7 samples of green foxtail grass(Setaria viridis),and 9 samples of broomcorn millets(Panicum miliaceum)and 2 samples of its wild relatives Panicum bisulcatum and Eriochloa villosa,one for each relative,from different regions in North China and analyzed their starch grain morphological characteristics. Both sizes of 100~200 starch grains and morphological characteristics of 100 starch grains were measured for each sample. Except that starch grains of Eriochloa villosa are spherical or ellipsoidal and smaller in grain size,4.8±0.8μm,starch grains of other four species are mainly polyhedric and have centric and open hila. For green foxtail grass,which is considered as the ancestor of foxtail millet,the starch grains are 7.7±1.4μm in the mean size and 14.0μm in the largest size,with 95% confidence interval(CI)being 7.6~7.9μm,and have slight fissures through their hila,rough edges,and wrinkled surfaces. For foxtail millet,the starch grains are 9.9±2.3μm in the mean size and 19.5μm in the largest,with 95%CI being 9.7~10.0μm,and have smooth surfaces,deep fissures and short lines radiating from centre to edge. For broomcorn millet,the starch grains are 7.3±1.4μm in the mean size and 11.9μm in the largest,with 95% CI being 7.2~7.4μm; 70% of them have not fissures through hila,which is an apparent difference from those two species of Setaria genus. For Panicum bisulcatum,which is considered as one candidate of the ancestor of broomcorn millet,the starch grains are very similar to those of broomcorn millet and 6.9±1.2μm in the mean size,with 95% CI being 6.7~7.1μm,but more than 30% of them have deep surface fissures. Based on the above statistical characteristics of starch grains,the following diagnostic criterions can be set up: 1)starch grains more than 12μm in size are generally not of broomcorn millet; 2)starch grains more than 14μm in size are generally of foxtail millet; 3)starch grains smaller than 12μm in size might be either of broomcorn millet if they have over 40% grains without fissures or of either foxtail millet or green foxtail grass if they have over 30% grains with fissures; and 4)because almost 45% starch grains of foxtail millet are 11~14μm in size,but only about 4% starch grains of green foxtail grass are in this size zone,if more than 4% starch grains are 11~14μm in size,some of them are surely of foxtail millet. In addition,if starch grains have deep fissure and smooth surfaces with radiating short lines,they may perhaps be of foxtail millet. If the starch grains have slight fissures,coarse edges,and winkled surfaces,they may perhaps be of green foxtail grass. We think that to identify millets and their wild relatives,starch grain analysis is not very more effective than phytolith analysis so far.
Keywords:millets and their wild relatives  starch grain analysis  identification  North China
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