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Theory of radio occultation by Saturn's rings
Authors:Essam A Marouf  GLeonard Tyler  Von R Eshleman
Institution:Center for Radar Astronomy, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA
Abstract:The radio occultation technique is developed here as a new method for the study of the physical properties of planetary ring systems. Particular reference is made to geometrical and system characteristics of the Voyager dual-wavelength (13 and 3.6 cm) experiment at Saturn. The rings are studied based on the perturbations they introduce in the spectrum of coherent sinusoidal radio signals transmitted through the rings from a spacecraft in the vicinity of the planet to Earth. Two separate signal components are identified in a perturbed spectrum: a sinusoidal component that remains coherent with the incident signal but is reduced in intensity and possibly changed in phase, and a Doppler-broadened incoherent component whose spectral shape and strength are determined by the occultation geometry and the radial variation of the near-forward radar cross section of illuminated ringlets. Both components are derived in terms of the physical ring properties starting from a conventional radar formulation of the problem of single scattering on ensembles of discrete scatterers, which is then generalized to include near-forward multiple scattering. The latter is accomplished through special solutions of the equation of transfer for particles that are larger than the wavelength. When the occultation geometry is optimized, contributions of an individual ringlet to a perturbed spectrum can be identified with radial resolution on the order of a few kilometers for the coherent component and a few hundred kilometers for the incoherent one, thus permitting high-resolution reconstruction of the radial profile of the optical depth, as well as reconstruction of the radar cross section of resolved ringlets. Simultaneous estimates of the optical depth and radar cross section of a ringlet at 3.6 cm-gl allow separation of its aerial density and particle size, if the particles are of known material and form a narrow size distibution with radii greater than several tens of centimeters. This separation is also achieved for radii ?10 cm from differential effects on the coherent signal parameters at 3.6- and 13-cm wavelengths. For the more general case of a broad size distribution modeled by a power law, the absence of differential effects on the coherent signal binds the minimum size to be ?10 cm. In this case, the radius inferred from an estimate of the radar cross section represents an equivalent radius, which is strongly controlled by the maximum size of the distribution provided that the power index is in the range 3 to 4. On the other hand, detection of differential coherent signal extinction determines an upper bound on the maximum size and a lower bound on the power index, assuming water-ice particles. These bounds, together with an inferred equivalent size, constrain the size distribution at both its small and large ends.
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