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引用本文:程三友, 杨兴科, 于恒彬, 刘渭. 2020. 基于ASTER数据的矿化蚀变遥感异常提取技术方法——在青海祁漫塔格成矿带虎头崖矿区的应用. 地质力学学报, 26(3): 432-442. doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.03.037
作者姓名:程三友  杨兴科  于恒彬  刘渭
作者单位:1.长安大学, 地球科学与资源学院, 陕西 西安 710054;; 2.陕西省矿产地质调查中心, 陕西 西安 710065;; 3.陕西省核工业地质调查院, 陕西 西安 710010
摘    要:以ASTER遥感影像为数据源,对青海祁漫塔格成矿带虎头崖矿区,应用成像光谱法和主成分分析法对矿区矿化蚀变异常信息进行提取分析。成像光谱方法利用最小噪音分量(MNF)变换、像元纯度指数(PPI),n维可视化(n-Dimensional Visualization)端元识别,并进行混合谐调匹配滤波(MTMF),最终得到矿区的矿物信息分布图。而主成分分析法则选择ASTER1、2、3、4波段提取铁染异常信息,1、3、4、5波段提取矽卡岩化蚀变异常信息,1、3、4、(5+6)/2波段提取蒙脱石、伊利石与绢云母等矿物的蚀变异常信息,1、3、4、8波段提取方解石、黑云母、绿泥石等矿物的蚀变异常信息。利用野外实地踏勘确定的矿床、矿(化)点,在ArcGIS10.1软件中对遥感提取蚀变异常信息进行验证显示,二者吻合效果良好,表明提取结果与数据处理方法较可靠,对于扩大找矿规模和发现矿化富集地段具有重要的指导意义。

关 键 词:ASTER卫星数据   数据处理   蚀变异常信息提取   青海祁漫塔格成矿带   虎头崖矿区

Methods of ASTER remote sensing data used in extracting mineralization and alteration information in the Hutouya mining area of the Qimantag metallogenic belt, Qinghai Province
CHENG Sanyou, YANG Xingke, YU Hengbin, LIU Wei. 2020. Methods of ASTER remote sensing data used in extracting mineralization and alteration information in the Hutouya mining area of the Qimantag metallogenic belt, Qinghai Province. Journal of Geomechanics, 26(3): 432-442. doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.03.037
Authors:CHENG Sanyou  YANG Xingke  YU Hengbin  LIU Wei
Affiliation:1.School of Earth Sciences and Resources, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, Shannxi, China;; 2.Shaanxi Mineral Resources and Geological Survey, Xi'an 710065, Shannxi, China;; 3.Shaanxi Nuclear Industry Geological Survey Institute, Xi'an 710010, Shannxi, China
Abstract:Using ASTER remote sensing images as the data source, the extraction of mineralization and alteration anomaly in the Hutouya mining area of the Qimantag metallogenic belt in Qinghai Province is studied through two methods. One method is using the minimum noise component (MNF) transform, pixel purity index (PPI), n-Dimensional Visualization to do the end element recognition and mixture tuned matched filtering (MTMF), in order to obtain the mineral distribution map of the mining area. The other is principal component analysis, through which ferric contamination anomaly is extracted in ASTER1,2,3,4 band, skarnization alteration anomaly in 1, 3, 4, 5 band, montmorillonite, illite and sericite in 3, 4, (5+6)/2 band and calcite, biomica, chlorite and other minerals in 1, 3, 4, 8 band. The results of remote sensing extraction of alteration anomaly verified by ArcGIS10.1 software are in good consistency with the mineral deposits and mineralization points determined by the field survey, indicating that the extraction results and the data processing method are reliable, which is of great guiding significance for the expansion of the prospecting scale and the discovery of mineralization enrichment areas.
Keywords:ASTER satellite data  data processing  alteration anomaly information extraction  Qimantag metallogenic belt in Qinghai Province  Hutouya mining area
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