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引用本文:黄思静,张雪花,刘丽红,郇金来,黄可可. 碳酸盐成岩作用研究现状与前瞻[J]. 地学前缘, 2009, 16(5): 219-231
作者姓名:黄思静  张雪花  刘丽红  郇金来  黄可可
摘    要:碳酸盐成岩作用是沉积学最为活跃的领域之一,与之有关的研究成果会直接影响人们对碳酸盐油气储层形成机制和层控矿床形成机制的理解。近年来,碳酸盐成岩作用在多个领域取得了令人瞩目的研究成果,主要包括以下几个方面:(1)实验室沉淀白云石获得成功:人们模拟海水(泻湖)条件下的细菌硫酸盐还原环境,在常温下沉淀出具有序反射的白云石。(2)热液白云化作为新的主流模式成为关注的热点:人们已认识到热液白云岩储层、沉积-喷流型铅锌矿床和Mississippi河谷型铅锌矿床具有共同的形成机制,它们均受构造(伸展、走滑构造)和热流体流动的强烈控制。(3)深埋藏条件下封闭系统的白云化作用受到关注:一些对油气储集空间和层控矿床有较大意义的白云化作用主要是在相对封闭条件下发生的,在对岩石储集空间的变化的贡献上以及在相应的地球化学指标上不同于开放条件下的白云化作用。(4)混合水白云化模式受到质疑:人们重新研究了作为混合水白云化典型地点的美国威斯康星弧碳酸盐的成岩作用,根据流体包裹体分析、阴极发光分析、偏光显微镜观察及稳定同位素分析等方法并结合有机物成熟度的数据,得出威斯康星弧与白云化有关的水-岩相互作用是由与温度升高有关的浓卤水导致的,白云化作用是热水成岩作用的结果。(5)淡水环境的成岩机制受到挑战:新近研究证明,大范围的低位体系域中可以没有具化学活性的淡水透镜体,海水环境同样可以产生成熟的石灰岩,细菌硫酸盐还原作用可以引起海水对碳酸盐的不饱和。(6)锶同位素在海相碳酸盐研究中的广泛应用:由于锶同位素不像氧、碳同位素那样因温度、压力和微生物作用而分馏,矿物可直接反映流体的同位素组成,地质历史中海水锶同位素组成也具有独特的长期变化趋势,这使得海相碳酸盐的锶同位素组成在沉积期后流体示踪中得到广泛应用。(7)硫酸盐还原作用对碳酸盐成岩作用的影响受到重视:如BSR和TSR可减小SO42-对白云石沉淀(或白云化)的动力学屏障,其产物H2S和CO2可在不同条件下对碳酸盐储层产生影响,BSR和TSR可提高成岩流体锶含量,甚至在形成天青石矿床中也具极大的潜在价值。

关 键 词:碳酸盐成岩作用  白云岩成因  成岩环境  锶同位素示踪  硫酸盐还原作用

Progress of research on carbonate diagenesis
Huang Sijing,Zhang Xuehua,Liu Lihong,Huan JinLai,Huang Keke. Progress of research on carbonate diagenesis[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2009, 16(5): 219-231
Authors:Huang Sijing  Zhang Xuehua  Liu Lihong  Huan JinLai  Huang Keke
Abstract:Carbonate diagenesis is one of the most active fields in sedimentology.The related research results directly influence people's understanding about the formation mechanisms of carbonate oil/gas reservoirs and strata-bounded deposits.In recent years,carbonate diagenesis has gotten prominent achievements in many fields,including the following aspects.(1) Man has succeeded in precipitating the dolomite with super-structure reflection under the conditions of bacterial sulfate reduction environment of sea water(lagoon) at normal temperature.(2) Hydrothermal dolomitization as the main model becomes the focus of the study.People come to an understanding that hydrothermal dolomite reservoirs,sedimentary exhalative(SEDEX) Pb-Zn deposits and Mississippi valley type(MVT) of Pb-Zn deposits have similar formation mechanisms.They are all controlled by the tectonics(extensional or/and strike-slip(wrench) faults) and fluid flow.(3) More attention is being focused on the deep-burial closed-system dolomitization.Some dolomitization of practical significance to the oil/gas reservoir and to the strata-bounded deposits mainly occurred in closed system,which is different from the open system in the contribution to the change of reservoir space and the corresponding geochemical index.(4) Mixing-zone model for dolomitization is being questioned.The typical Dorag model in Wisconsin of USA is restudied.Based on the studies using the fluid inclusions method,cathodoluminescence analysis,thin section identification,and stable isotope testing,and combined with organic maturity data,we concluded that the water-rock interaction relating to dolomitization is caused by the concentrated brine relating to increasing temperature.The dolomitization resulted from hydrothermal diagenesis.(5) The meteoric diagenesis mechanism is being challenged.The recent research shows that large-scale sea level lowstands may not have chemically active meteoric lenses.The marine environment can produce mature limestone.The sea water can be under saturated with respect to carbonate by the result of bacterial sulfate reduction,which challenges a number of current diagenetic paradigms.(6) Strontium isotope is widely applied to the study of marine carbonate.Different from the oxygen and carbon isotope which has fractionation affected by temperature,pressure and microbial action,strontium isotope of mineral can directly reflect the isotopic composition of fluid.Meanwhile,the marine strontium isotope in geology history has particular long time trends,which make the tracing of marine carbonate strontium isotope composition be widely used in the post-sedimentary fluid.(7) Influence of sulfate reduction on carbonate diagenesis has been paid more attention,which include the decrease of kinetic inhibitor for dolomitization or dolomite precipitation,the dissolution and alteration of carbonate reservoirs by H2S and CO2 that are the products of TSR,and the increase of the content of strontium in diagenetic pore water to form celestite deposits.
Keywords:carbonate diagenesis  origin of dolomite  diagenetic environment  strontium isotopic tracer  sulfate reduction
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