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Isochores and 3-D visualization of rising and falling slat diapirs
Authors:Giovanni GuglielmoJr  Bruno C Vendeville  Martin P A Jackson
Institution:Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78713, USA
Abstract:Diapir fall, which was predicted by physical models, has been identified in salt provinces, such as the South Atlantic margins, the North Sea, and the Paradox Basin (Colorado–Utah). However the 3-D geometry of falling diapirs and their country rock is still poorly understood. 3-D visualization and isochore patterns from a physical model help elucidate this geometry.The model initially comprised a unit of viscous silicone overlain by a prekinematic sand unit. Sand units representing brittle sediments were deposited episodically during gravity gliding and spreading. Regional extension triggered and eventually widened salt walls, causing them to sag. The 3-D visualization shows that regional hydrocarbon migration, which tends to be seaward during diapir rise and landward during diapir fall, can potentially be orthogonal to local migration along grabens at soft-linked zones of relay ramps. Furthermore, anticlinal culminations may form (1) in horsts that bend along strike and (2) adjoining the fork of Y-shaped salt walls.Sequential isochore maps of the overburden show how patterns of sedimentation, deformation, and underlying salt thickness changed through time. Isochores of prekinematic units record only strain: thinned belts record early extension. In contrast, isochores of synkinematic units record mostly thickness variations due to deposition on actively deforming topography. Isochores above sagging diapirs identify the thickest part of crestal depocenters, where the most rapid sagging occurred in regions of maximum extension near the unbuttressed downdip part of the gravity-spreading system. Additionally, asymmetric isochore patterns may reveal underlying half-grabens or tilted symmetric grabens. In relay systems, overlying isochores may indicate which part of a salt wall rose to compensate for sagging elsewhere in the relay.
Keywords:3-D visualization  Diapir  Salt tectonics  Isochores  Extension
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