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Vector magnetic fields in prominences
Authors:R. Grant Athay  Charles W. Querfeld  Raymond N. Smartt  Egidio Landi Degl'innocenti  Veronique Bommier
Affiliation:1. High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, France
2. Sacramento Peak Observatory, France
3. Instituto di Astronomia Università di Firenze, France
4. Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France
Abstract:Observations of linear polarization in two resolved components of HeI D3 are interpreted using the Hanle effect to determine vector magnetic fields in thirteen prominences. As in all vector magnetic field measurements, there is a two-fold ambiguity in field direction that is symmetric to a 180° rotation about the line-of-sight. The polar angles of the fields show a pronounced preference to be close to 90° from the local solar radius, i.e., the field direction is close to horizontal. Azimuth angles show internal consistency from point to point in a given prominences, but because of the rotational symmetry, the fields may be interpreted, in most cases, as crossing the prominence either in the same sense as the underlying photospheric fields or in the opposite sense. An exceptionally well observed large prominence of approximately planar geometry exhibits no measurable change in the vector magnetic field either with height or with location along the prominence axis. A second well observed large prominence overlying a sharply curved magnetic neutral line, when interpreted assuming that the prominence field has the same sense as the photospheric field, shows a rotation in the azimuth angle of the field relative to the observer by about 150° and relative to the local plane of the prominence by about 65°. In the alternative interpretation in which the prominence field has the opposite sense of the photospheric field, the field still rotates by 150° relative to the observer but remains essentially constant with respect to the plane of the prominence. This prominence erupted shortly after the extended observations. One good quality observation during the course of the eruption gives a vector field fully consistent with the pre-eruption field in the same segment of the prominence.
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