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引用本文:孙镇城,曹丽,张海泉,张永华,董宁,乔子真,孙乃达,袁秀君,路艳丽,张宏欣. 柴达木盆地全球末次冰期介形类动物群的演变[J]. 古地理学报, 2003, 5(3): 365-377. DOI: 10.7605/gdlxb.2003.03.007
作者姓名:孙镇城  曹丽  张海泉  张永华  董宁  乔子真  孙乃达  袁秀君  路艳丽  张宏欣
作者单位:1. 石油大学(北京)资源与信息管理学院,北京 100083;2. 青海油田石油勘探开发研究院,甘肃敦煌 736202 ;3. 首都师范大学地理系,北京 100083
基金项目:石油大学总校科研基金项目 (ZX9916 )资助
摘    要:晚更新世晚期,柴达木盆地达参1井井深46m以下的沉积物内,水生生物化石有很高的丰度和分异度。介形类为 Cyprideis torosa-Ilyocypris inermis组合,伴生有轮藻类、腹足类、双壳类、植物和鱼类等化石。井深46m~10m,为全球末次冰期盛冰阶(25ka~10ka B.P)沉积,当时气候极端干冷,出现干盐湖地质事件(playa),沉积物由湖相泥岩迅速演变为石盐层,生物化石罕见,几近绝迹。平均40m厚的石盐沉积遍及三湖(台吉乃尔湖、达布逊湖和霍布逊湖)地区,形成了该区天然气赖以保存的最后一道屏障-天然气藏的盖层。井深约10m以上,为全新世暖期或称现代间冰期沉积物,渐变为浅湖相泥岩和粉砂岩夹膏盐沉积。当时处于氧同位素阶段1,湖水盐度逐渐降低,水生生物丰度和分异度再度增高,介形类更替为半咸水-淡水介形类Candona neglecta-Candoniella lactea组合,伴生有丰富的轮藻、腹足类、双壳类等。直到现代,台吉乃尔湖、达布逊湖和霍布逊湖以南由于受昆仑山充足的淡水补给影响,水生生物丰富。三湖以北,远离主要淡水补给区,水体较咸,介形类则为典型的盐湖介形类Eucypris inflata所替代,膏盐沉积比三湖以南明显增多。

关 键 词:柴达木盆地 末次冰期 介形类动物群 演变 晚更新世 古气候 盛冰阶

Sun Zhencheng Cao Li Zhang Haiquan Zhang Yonghua Dong Ning Qiao Zizhen Sun Naida Yuan Xiujun Lu Yanli Zhang Hongxin Faculty of Natural Resources and Information Technology,University of Petroleum,Beijing Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development of Qinhai Petroleum Corporation,Dunhuang ,Gansu Geography. EVOLUTION OF OSTRACODA OF THE GREAT ICE AGE OF LAST GLACIAL STAGE IN QAIDAM BASIN[J]. Journal of Palaeogeography, 2003, 5(3): 365-377. DOI: 10.7605/gdlxb.2003.03.007
Authors:Sun Zhencheng Cao Li Zhang Haiquan Zhang Yonghua Dong Ning Qiao Zizhen Sun Naida Yuan Xiujun Lu Yanli Zhang Hongxin Faculty of Natural Resources  Information Technology  University of Petroleum  Beijing Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration  Development of Qinhai Petroleum Corporation  Dunhuang   Gansu Geography
Affiliation:1.College of Resources and Information , University of Petroleum, Beijing 102200;2.Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development of Qinhai Petroleum Cooperation, Dunhuang 736202,Gansu;3.Capital Normal University, Beijing 100083
Abstract:The aquatic biota from the late Late Pleistocene was sampled below 46m in the well Dacan 1 of Qaidam Basin.They showed a high abundance and high diversity. The ostracoda was Cyprideis torosa-Ilyocypris inermis assemblage and associated with Carophyta, Gastropoda, Pelecypoda, plants and fishes. The aquatic biota from 46 ~10 m of depth in the well Dacan 1 was the sediments from the Great Ice Age of the Last Glacial Stage. In that time, the climate was rather arid and iciness, so that the geological event of playa occurred. The deposits rapidly developed from lake facies mudstone to halite. It was hard to find fossils,and most of biota disappeared completely. The Three-Lake Depression (Taijinaier Lake、Dabusun Lake and Huobusun Lake ) was entirely covered by about 40 m of salt bed, which became the last barrier for preserving natural gas, namely the cover of the gas reservoir. The deposits above 10m in the well Dacan 1 gradually developed into shallow lake mud- stone and silt gypsiferous salt,which wrere formed in the Holocene warm stage (modern interglacial stage) , or the first stage of oxygen stable isotope. In this stage the salinity of the region decreased and the biota abundance and the biota diversity increased again. The ostracoda was replaced by an assemblage of Candona neglecta-Candoniella lactea, which was adapted to the environment of the slight brackish and fresh water. It also associated richly with Carophyta, Gastropoda, Pelecypoda,etc.
Up to now, there has been abundant aquatic biota in the south of Taijinaier Lake、Dabusun Lake and Huobusun Lake because of the supply of freshwater from Kunlun Mountains. However, the water is relatively salty in the north of Taijinaier Lake、Dabusun Lake and Huobusun Lake due to the great distance away from the main supply of freshwater. The ostracoda was replaced by the typical salty-lake ostracoda Eucypris inflata assemblage. The distribution of gypsum-saline beds in the north is obviously more than that in the south of Taijinaier Lake,Dabusun Lake and Huobusun Lake.
Keywords:Late Pleistocene  palaeoclimate  Great Ice Age  Ostracoda  Qaidam Basin
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