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Vertical changes of POC flux and indicators of early degradation of organic matter in the South China Sea
Authors:Jianfang Chen  M. G. Wiesner  H. K. Wong  Lianfu Zheng  Luqiang Xu  Shilong Zheng
Affiliation:(1) Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, 310012 Hangzhou, China;(2) Institute of Biogeochemistry and Marine Chemistry, University of Hamburg, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany
Abstract:Tie-series sediment trap materials at different water depths and surface sediments in northern and central South China Sea (SCS) were analyzed for organic carbon, amino acids, amino sugars and carbohydrates. Results show that particulate organic carbon (POC) is mainly derived from marine plankton, only 1.4%–1.6% of primary production sinks into deep SCS water column and less than 0.22 % of primary production ultimately reaches the sediments. The ranineralization and dissolution of organic matter as well as the compositional alterations of organic matter mixtures may mainly take place in the upper few hundred meters of water column, deep carbonate (opal) lysocline zones, and interface layers between sediments and water column, rather than in mid-waters. The organic geochemical parameters such as (T aa +T sug )OC%, AA/AS, Gluam/Galam, Arom. AA/non-prot. AA, ASP/b-ALA, Glu/g-ABA decrease from living marine plankton (or planktonic shells), to settling particulate matter and to sediments suggesting that they appear to be gad early degraded indicators of organic matter. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49776297). Cruises financially supported by State Oceanic Administration and German Federal Ministry of Research and Technology.
Keywords:South China Sea (SCS)  particulate organic csrbon (POC)  amino acids  amino sugars  carbohydrates  vertical changes  early degradation
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