摘 要: | An extractive process is established for platinum metals by reduction roasting,flotation, magnetic separation, heavy liquid eentrifugation, and other experiments. Six alloys (Os-Fe-Cr-Ni, Os-Cn-Fe-Ni-Pt, Rh-Cr, Ti-Cu-Ni-Fe-Pt, Cu-Fe-Ni-Pt, and Os-Cu-Fe-Ni-Pt) have been identified in the Ieached residue. This resuIt indicates that most of the platinum metals in the leached residue tend to form alloys eith base metals. In many eases these alloys are enclosed by iron hydroxide and mative sulfur.Therefore, it is necessary to dissociate the alloys as well as their enclosing material in order to extract the platinum group. The experiments also demonstrate the mobility of Os, Pt, and Rh during the process of ore dressing and smelting.