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87Rb-87Sr chronology of enstatite meteorites
Authors:J.-F. Minster  L.-P. Ricard  C.J. Alle`gre
Affiliation:1. Laboratoire de Ge´ochimie et Cosmochimie (L.A. 196), Institut de Physique du Globe, Universite´de Paris VI, 4, Place Jussieu, 75230 Paris, Cedex 05France;2. De´partement des Sciences de la Terre, Universite´de Paris VII, 4, Place Jussieu, 75230 Paris, Cedex 05France
Abstract:A87Rb-87Sr analysis of some enstatite meteorites has been made. Whole rocks plot on an isochron of age 4.508 ± 0.037b.y. and strontium initial ratio 0.69880 ± 0.00044 (2σ errors; λ87Rb= 1.42 × 10?11yr?1) . If the Norton County results are joined, we get an age of 4.516 ± 0.029b.y. and initial ratio of 0.69874 ± 0.00022. This result is indistinguishable from the whole rock isochron for H chondrites. It is interpreted as the age of condensation from the solar nebula. The identity of the87Sr/86Sr initial ratio with the ones for Allende white inclusions shows that this ratio was homogeneous in the solar nebula, and that the Rb-Sr fractionations observed between the different chondrite groups appeared only shortly before or during condensation accretion.Internal studies of the type-I enstatite chondrites Abee and Indarch and the intermediate-type Saint Mark's and Saint Sauveur have been done.Abee data scatter in the87Rb-87Sr diagram. For Indarch, Saint Mark's and Saint Sauveur, we obtained well-defined straight lines of “age” (T) and “initial ratio” (I): Indarch,T = 4.393 ± 0.043b.y.I = 0.7005 ± 0.0009; Saint Mark's,T = 4.335 ± 0.050b.y.I = 0.69979 ± 0.00022; Saint Sauveur,T = 4.457 ± 0.047b.y.I = 0.6993 ± 0.0014. Our result on Indarch agrees with the former result of Gopalan and Wetherill [5].A careful examination of the data shows that these straight lines are neither due to leaching effects by heavy liquids, nor result from terrestrial weathering. The “isochrons” for Indarch and Saint Sauveur can be mixing lines between enstatite and feldspar. The results are interpreted in terms of cosmochemical secondary effects: type-I and intermediate-type enstatite chondrites have been shocked 60–200 m.y. after their formation. This agrees with the idea of an early generalized bombardment of the inner solar system; this also indicates that type-I enstatite chondrites were rather situated in the outershells of their parent body and might be at the origin of the scatter of I-Xe ages of enstatite meteorites.Whole rock and enstatite from Bishopville, Cumberland Falls and Mayo Belwa have also been analysed. In these three aubrites, the87Rb-87Sr system is perturbed. Our Bishopsville sample might not be fresh and this makes the significance of our results uncertain. Cumberland Falls and Mayo Belwa probably suffered relatively recent shocks and open-system redistribution of Rb and Sr.
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