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OSS (Outer Solar System): a fundamental and planetary physics mission to Neptune, Triton and the Kuiper Belt
Authors:B. Christophe  L. J. Spilker  J. D. Anderson  N. André  S. W. Asmar  J. Aurnou  D. Banfield  A. Barucci  O. Bertolami  R. Bingham  P. Brown  B. Cecconi  J. -M. Courty  H. Dittus  L. N. Fletcher  B. Foulon  F. Francisco  P. J. S. Gil  K. H. Glassmeier  W. Grundy  C. Hansen  J. Helbert  R. Helled  H. Hussmann  B. Lamine  C. L?mmerzahl  L. Lamy  R. Lehoucq  B. Lenoir  A. Levy  G. Orton  J. Páramos  J. Poncy  F. Postberg  S. V. Progrebenko  K. R. Reh  S. Reynaud  C. Robert  E. Samain  J. Saur  K. M. Sayanagi  N. Schmitz  H. Selig  F. Sohl  T. R. Spilker  R. Srama  K. Stephan  P. Touboul  P. Wolf
Affiliation:1. ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab, 92322, Chatillon, France
2. JPL/NASA, Pasadena, CA, USA
3. IRAP, CNRS, Univ. Paul Sabatier Toulouse, Toulouse, France
4. University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
5. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
6. Laboratoire d??Etudes Spatiales et d??Instrumentation en Astrophysique, Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Univ. Paris Diderot, 92195, Meudon, France
7. Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
8. RAL, Chilton, Oxfordshire, UK
9. Imperial College London, London, UK
10. LKB, CNRS, Paris, France
11. DLR/Institute of Space System, Bremen, Germany
12. University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
13. Instituto Superior T??cnico, Universidade T??cnica de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
14. Technical University of Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany
15. Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, AZ, USA
16. PSI, Tucson, AZ, USA
17. DLR/Institute of Planetary Research, Berlin, Germany
18. ZARM, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
19. CEA Saclay, Service d??Astrophysique, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
20. Thales Alenia Space, Cannes, France
21. University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
22. JIVE, Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
23. Observatoire de la C?te d??Azur, GeoAzur, Nice, France
24. Universit?t zu K?ln, K?ln, Germany
25. Hampton University in Virginia, Hampton, VA, USA
26. IRS, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
27. MPIK, Heidelberg, Germany
28. LNE-SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, UPMC, Paris, France
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