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Towfish orientation and position estimation
Authors:Kirlin   R.L. Lu   W.S. Hedstrom   B. Leung   C.M.
Affiliation:Dept. of Electr. & Comput. Eng., Victoria Univ., BC;
Abstract:The towfish location and orientation problems that arise in using side-scan sonar to detect objects on the sea bottom are treated separately. Data which locate the towfish relative to the ship are usually deteriorated by multipath receptions and other effects. In order to overcome this serious degradation in the location measurements, a modified Kalman filter is proposed. An estimate of the state transition matrix for this filter is derived, and a means of switching between two Kalman gains is suggested. The feasibility of the proposed filter is justified by a case study. Improved estimates of towfish pitch and heading measurements are obtained by a separate system employing model identification and subsequent Kalman filtering. Application of these methods to data from similar towed side-scan sonar systems should yield significant gains in object location accuracy
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