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Geochemical Distribution of Trace Elements in Groundwater from the North Mara Large‐Scale Gold Mining Area of Tanzania
Authors:Mwemezi Johaiven Rwiza  Kyoung‐Woong Kim    Sang‐don Kim
Abstract:The influence of large‐scale mining operations on groundwater quality was investigated in this study. Trace element concentrations in groundwater samples from the North Mara mining area of northern Tanzania were analyzed. Statistical analyses for relationships between elemental concentrations in the samples and distance of a sampling site from the mine tailings dam were also conducted. Eleven trace elements (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) were determined, and averages of Fe and Al concentrations were higher than levels accepted by the Tanzanian drinking water guideline. Levels of Pb in three samples were higher than the World Health Organization (WHO) and United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) drinking water guidelines of 10 and 15 µg/L, respectively. One sample contained a higher As level than the WHO and USEPA guideline of 10 µg/L. The correlation between element concentrations and distance from the mine tailings dam was examined using the hierarchical agglomeration cluster analysis method. A significant difference in the elemental concentration existed depending on the distance from the mine tailings dam. Mann–Whitney U‐test post hoc analysis confirmed a relationship between element concentration and distance of a sampling site from the mine tailings dam. This relationship raises concerns about the increased risks of trace elements to people and ecosystem health. A metal pollution index also suggested a relationship between elemental concentrations in the groundwater and the sampling sites’ proximity from the mine tailings dam.
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