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Quaternary seismic stratigraphy of the North Sea Fan: glacially-fed gravity flow aprons, hemipelagic sediments, and large submarine slides
Authors:Edward L. King, Hans Petter Sejrup, Haflidi Haflidason, Anders Elverh  i,Inge Aarseth

a Department of Geology, University of Bergen, Allégaten 41, N-5007, Bergen, Norway

b Department of Geology, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1047 Blindern, 0316, Oslo 3, Norway

Abstract:Approximately 1000 km of high resolution sleeve-gun array transects on the North Sea Fan, located at the mouth of the Norwegian Channel, reveal three dominant styles of sedimentation within a thick (> 900 m) Quaternary sediment wedge comprising numerous sequences. These are interpreted as: terrigenous hemipelagic sedimentation, large scale translational slides, and aprons of glaciogenic debris flow deposits contributing to considerable fan construction. Four large, buried translational slides involved sediment volumes upwards of 3000 km3 each and preceded the similarly dimensioned “first” Storegga Slide on the NE fan flank. Several thick (> 100 m) terrigenous hemipelagic deposits apparently represent long-lived (150–200 kyr) periods of sedimentation whose distribution indicates fan input via the Norwegian Channel. The upper sequences are each made upper sequences are each made up of one or several thick (> 100 m) aprons comprising stacked lensoid and/or lobate forms which range from 2 to 40 km in width and 15 to 60 m in thickness. They characterize debris flows attributed to periodic input from several phases of a Norwegian Channel ice stream reaching the shelf edge. Subsidence in the outer Norwegian Channel allowed preservation of several glaciation cycles represented by sheet erosion-bounded tills and progradational units. Much of the shelf/slope transition has been preserved, allowing a preliminary chronology of the fan sequences through correlation with borehole sediments in the Norwegian Channel. Debris flows, which signal the initial shelf-edge glaciation, are not recognized from the initial glaciation in the Channel (> 1.1 Myr) but are associated with a Middle Pleistocene and all following glacial erosion surfaces (GES) in the outer Norwegian Channel. This was followed by six further sequences, probably totalling over 13,000 km3 of sediment. At least four of these were shelf-edge ice-maximum events the last of which was Late Weichselian age (14C AMS). Considering earlier glaciation-related hemipelagic sedimentation, material since removed by the large slides, and extensive unmapped areas, total Quaternary fan sedimentation was in the vicinity of 20,000 km3.
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