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Study on the Characteristics ofSeismic Activity in West China andIts neighboring Regions
引用本文:Chen Yuwei,Shen Yelong,Ling Xueshu. Study on the Characteristics ofSeismic Activity in West China andIts neighboring Regions[J]. 中国地震研究, 2001, 15(3): 321-328
作者姓名:Chen Yuwei  Shen Yelong  Ling Xueshu
作者单位:Chen Yuwei,Shen Yelong and Ling Xueshu Seismological Bureau of Anhui Province,Hefei 230031,China
摘    要:INTRODUCTIONE丑dhquMes re the result ofsuddenfauting In the ea耐h crust;It Is an expression dstructurafrllust劝ilityinthe ealth.China Is a re9on with active Intraplatefauting and Intn叩late ellhqu吐es.Many resea。hers have studied the genesis and mechanism ofealthop业es In China and neighboringegions fom the vlemplnt Of continental geology(Ma et al,1986;Ding et al,1991;Luo,1979;Zhang,1979;Zhang,1979;Wang et al,1979;Zhang et al,1994).The。search results showthatsome certain relat…

Study on the Characteristics of Seismic Activity in West China and Its neighboring Regions
Chen Yuwei,Shen Yelong and Ling Xueshu. Study on the Characteristics of Seismic Activity in West China and Its neighboring Regions[J]. Earthquake Research in China, 2001, 15(3): 321-328
Authors:Chen Yuwei  Shen Yelong  Ling Xueshu
Affiliation:Seismological Bureau of Anhul Province, Hefei 230031, China Seismological Bureau of Anhul Province, Hefei 230031, China Seismological Bureau of Anhul Province, Hefei 230031, China
Abstract:The controlling and influencing effects of the joint action of plates surrounding China on strong earthquakes in Chinese mainland are discussed, and the characteristics of seismic activities in the West of China and neighboring regions are further studied. The results show that the seismic activity in the West of China and neighboring regions not only has the characteristics of high tide and low tide alternation but also has the characteristics of rising in one region while falling in another, and the rise and fail of seismicity are in some proportion. The above characteristics are useful for the prediction of main body region of strong earthquakes in Chinese mainland, especially for the judgement of the ending time of the high fide period.
Keywords:Strong earthquakes in Chinese mainland The collision belt Influencing zone The rise and fall of seismicity Characteristics of seismic activities
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