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引用本文:李凤麟. 山东临朐山旺组的再认识[J]. 地层学杂志, 1991, 15(2): 123-129,147
摘    要:<正> 山东临朐山旺组自杨锺健建立以来,已历50余年沧桑,其间有三次研究高潮。30年代后期发表论文8篇,包括地质、地层、矿产、脊椎动物、硅藻和植物化石。50年代至60年代中期,发表论文11篇,其中孢粉2篇、地层1篇,其余为脊椎动物化石。张席褆教授首

关 键 词:山旺组 中新世 山东 地层

Restudy of the Shanwang Formation in Linju, Shandong
Abstract:Many different views on the geology of the Shanwang Formation established in the Xiejiahe Basin (formerly the Shanwang Basin) by Yang Zhong-jian (formerly C.C.Yang) appeared in more than 80 papers in the past 45 years.Recently, a lot of finds were made during Our investigation of the Xiejiahe Basin and its surrounding areas.This helped us form some valuable views.1.A new vertebrate fossil she of Middle Miocene age was discovered in the Baojiahe Basin (two kilometers away from the Xiejiahe Basin), where a complete skull and some jaws of Plesiaccratherium grastlts were digged, out from the upper part of the Shanwang Formation.2.The conglomerate beds at the bottom of the Shanwang Formation, previously known as fluviolacustrine deposits, were identified as volcanic breccia and agglomerate accumulations.3.Many evidences show that the lower part of the Yaoshan Formation (carboniferous shales, peats, and grainstones) deposited contemporaneously with the Ng sediments of the Shanwang Formation outcropping on the top of the Jiaoyanshan hill should be placed in the Shanwang Formation and the Yaoshan Formation newly defined by us is only the middle-upper part of the old Yaoshan Formation (basalts, tuff grains).In the past, the Yaoshan Formation outcropping around the Lingshan hill was mistaken for the Guanzliuang Formation (E2).4.The feldspathic sandstones of the Niushan Formation around the Xiejiahe and Baojiahe Basins were found lying between the basalt layers of Miocene age, which were erroneously put in the Palaeogene System.5.The feldspathic and stones with oblique beddings found at the lower part of the Shanwang Formation indicate that the lake in the Xiejiahe Basin was an intermittent stream connecting lake which occurred at the depression of lava sheet and low-lying ground after the early peace fissure eruption of basalt volcanos, not a crater lake as said by Li Tai-lai and others (1988).
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