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Multi-level arc combination with stochastic parameters
Authors:P H Andersen
Institution:(1) Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt, P.O. Box 25, N-2007 Kjeller, Norway, e-mail: per-helge.andersen@ffi.no; Tel.: +47 63 807407; Fax: +47 63 807212, NO;(2) Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1029, Blindern 0315, Oslo, Norway, NO
Abstract: The method of square root information filtering and smoothing (SRIF/S) is reviewed and has been implemented in the combined square root information filter and smoother (CSRIFS) program. CSRIFS is a part of the GEOSAT space geodesy software developed at Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (FFI, The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment). The state vectors and complete variance–covariance matrices from the analyses of a number of independent arcs of space geodesy data can be combined using CSRIFS. Four parameter levels are available and any parameter can, at each level, be represented as either a constant or a stochastic parameter (white noise, colored noise, or random walk). The batch length (i.e. the time interval between the addition of noise to the SRIF array) can be made time and parameter dependent. CSRIFS was applied in the combination of 623 very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observing sessions. The purpose of this test was to validate the computer implementation of the SRIF/S method and to give an example of how this method can be used in the analysis of a large number of space geodetic observations. The results show that the implementation is very satisfactory. Received: 28 May 1999 / Accepted: 15 June 2000
Keywords::   Kalman filter –  RTS smoother –  SRIF/S –  VLBI
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