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Rates of magma emplacement and volcanic output
Authors:Joy A. Crisp
Abstract:This study includes a compilation of about one hundred estimates of volumetric rates of magma emplacement and volcanic output that are average rates for durations of igneous activity greater than 300 yrs. These data indicate that the rate of volcanic output is about 10−1 km3 yr−1 in regions that are the most active magmatically. Factors that correlate with rates of magma emplacement and volcanic output are: magma composition, crustal thickness, tectonic setting, and regional stress. Of the ninety rates of magma emplacement and volcanic output that were studied, the highest for basaltic magmas are greater than the highest for silicic magmas, regardless of the volumes erupted or areal extent of magmatism. Rates of volcanic output for oceanic areas tend to be greater than rates in continental areas, perhaps because of thinner crust, a predominance of basaltic magma, and higher rates of magma generation. Ratios of intrusive to extrusive volumes are typically about 5 to 1 for oceanic localities and 10 to 1 for continental localities. This difference apparently reflects dissimilar rates of magma ascent related to different crustal thicknesses and magma compositions. The total rate of magma emplacement and volcanic output for the Earth, averaged over the last 180 m.y., is between about 26 and 34 km3 yr−1. About 75% of this total is contributed by ocean-ridge magmatism. Oceanic intraplate magmatism contributes about 5%. Igneous activity in subduction zones, about half of which is continental, adds about 20%. Intracontinental magmatism, more than 95% of which is flood and plains basalts, provides less than 5% of the total global rate of magma emplacement and volcanic output.
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