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Lithofacies associations and structural evolution of the Archean Rio das Velhas greenstone belt, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil: A review of the setting of gold deposits
Authors:O.F. Baltazar  M. Zucchetti
Affiliation:aCPRM–Geological Survey of Brazil, Av. Brasil 1731, Funcionários, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, 30140-002, Brazil
Abstract:The Rio das Velhas greenstone belt is located in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero region, in the southern extremity of the São Francisco Craton, central-southern part of the State of Minas Gerais, SE Brazil. The metavolcano–sedimentary rocks of the Rio das Velhas Supergroup in this region are subdivided into the Nova Lima and Maquiné Groups. The former occurs at the base of the sequence, and contains the major Au deposits of the region. New geochronological data, along with a review of geochemical data for volcanic and sedimentary rocks, suggest at least two generations of greenstone belts, dated at 2900 and 2780 Ma. Seven lithofacies associations are identified, from bottom to top, encompassing (1) mafic–ultramafic volcanic; (2) volcano–chemical–sedimentary; (3) clastic–chemical–sedimentary, (4) volcaniclastic association with four lithofacies: monomictic and polymictic breccias, conglomerate–graywacke, graywacke–sandstone, graywacke–argillite; (5) resedimented association, including three sequences of graywacke–argillite, in the north and eastern, at greenschist facies and in the south, at amphibolite metamorphic facies; (6) coastal association with four lithofacies: sandstone with medium- to large-scale cross-bedding, sandstone with ripple marks, sandstone with herringbone cross-bedding, sandstone–siltstone; (7) non-marine association with the lithofacies: conglomerate–sandstone, coarse-grained sandstone, fine- to medium-grained sandstone. Four generations of structures are recognized: the first and second are Archean and compressional, driven from NNE to SSW; the third is extensional and attributed to the Paleoproterozoic Transamazonian Orogenic Cycle; and the fourth is compressional, driven from E to W, is related to the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano Orogenic Cycle. Gold deposits in the Rio das Velhas greenstone belt are structurally controlled and occur associated with hydrothermal alterations along Archean thrust shear zones of the second generation of structures.Sedimentation occurred during four episodes. Cycle 1 is interpreted to have occurred between 2800 and 2780 Ma, based on the ages of the mafic and felsic volcanism, and comprises predominantly chemical sedimentary rocks intercalated with mafic–ultramafic volcanic flows. It includes the volcano–chemical–sedimentary lithofacies association and part of the mafic–ultramafic volcanic association. The cycle is related to the initial extensional stage of the greenstone belt formation, with the deposition of sediments contemporaneous with volcanic flows that formed the submarine mafic plains. Cycle 2 encompasses the clastic–chemical–sedimentary association and distal turbidites of the resedimented association, in the eastern sector of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero. It was deposited in the initial stages of the felsic volcanism. Cycle 2 includes the coastal and resedimented associations in the southern sector, in advanced stages of subduction. In this southern sedimentary cycle it is also possible to recognize a stable shelf environment. Following the felsic volcanism, Cycle 3 comprises sedimentary rocks of the volcaniclastic and resedimented lithofacies associations, largely in the northern sector of the area. The characteristics of both associations indicate a submarine fan environment transitional to non-marine successions related to felsic volcanic edifices and related to the formation of island arcs. Cycle 4 is made up of clastic sedimentary rocks belonging to the non-marine lithofacies association. They are interpreted as braided plain and alluvial fan deposits in a retroarc foreland basin with the supply of debris from the previous cycles.
Keywords:Rio das Velhas greenstone belt   Archean   Lithofacies associations   Volcano–  sedimentary cycle   Structural evolution
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